Jan 07, 2021 20:17
Well, that wasn't quite the start to 2021 that we wanted, was it? As a Canadian watching the events in the USA, I spent all of yesterday feeling heartbroken, disgusted, and so.fucking.angry. The emotions didn't change when the politicians then appear to have packed up and gone home without doing *something* to get Trump out of office. Today, after hearing his scripted speech which is full of lies and yet STILL manages to end on a veiled threat, I just feel resigned. I feel like there is a hell of a lot more WORSE that's going to happen in the USA before things get better. I honestly wonder if they *will* get better.
On a personal note, I've been keeping up with my goals and To Do's, except for that pesky second QaF fic that I still owe. I'll post the first one I wrote over here tomorrow.
In other news, I've been kind of panicking about money. Because I work freelance, I don't get taxes taken off my pay. I didn't worry about that last year because I still have the little bit of pension money that I got when I left my old shitty job, and that will pay my taxes. But THIS year I have to start putting money away every month for next year's tax bill, and my budget is looking *tight*. /then I kinda realized, well, *I* control how much money I make. If I just work 40 hours a week, yes, things will be tight. But if I buck up and work 50 hours a week, that's probably another $500 a month. Sure, I can't do that every week, but I can definitely do it when I need to to prop up the budget. I feel better now.
Hope everyone is well, and able to concentrate much better than I am.