Stress, you are not my friend.

Dec 02, 2020 12:10

How very easy it is to get sidetracked when things go pear-shaped. I have been so stressed out for a variety of reasons.

Well, there is still a big hole above my toilet. The worst moment there was when it rained so hard that it was filling up the container on the back of the toilet at an alarming rate, to the point where I actually stayed up all night so that I could empty it regularly. Amy and Garry got three different estimates for the roof, hired someone, and the roofer did finally show up the next day and the roof has (hopefully) been fixed. We've since then had one rainstorm and one snowstorm and it hasn't yet rained or snowed in my bathroom, so I'm cautiously optimistic that maybe I'm seeing the back of this problem. Still gotta get the hole re-plastered and then the room painted, though.

My eldest sister is back in hospital. She went in with shortness of breath (non-COVID) and they did some tests and told her that all her levels (or whatnot) indicated that she should be having a heart attack, but... wasn't. Then everything went back to normal and she went back home two days later, with an IV tube left in her hand because she was going to need to have a home nurse come in to administer IV antibiotics for a few weeks. Well, her grandson (who lives with her) noticed that her wound was not clotting -- there was the IV site, as well as an ulcer that she is battling, so I'm honestly not sure which he meant -- and he made her go back to hospital. Since there she's taken a bad turn and we actually got the "does she have end of life wishes" phone call. At first they thought she was going to have to go on a ventilator but thankfully she seemed to rally a little and that was needed. At this point they think she may have a blood infection which of course can be very dangerous. It's all just scary.

And then there's just my regular ol' health issues. In fact, I fully intended to update yesterday -- new month and all -- but I had major back spasms for the second or third time in the past few weeks and ended up not doing anything at all that didn't involve muscle relaxants, pain pills, and my heating pad. Then there's money concerns and COVID Christmas and and and... UGH.

*deep breath*

This does mean that I'm more inclined to sit on my ass mainlining old TV shows. My obsession with The Block continues.

Aaaaaaaanyway. New month. Fresh Start #65749?

health, family, covid, apartment

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