Where's my QaF Peeps?

Nov 08, 2020 20:39

Do people even say "peeps" anymore? I don't even know.

So as mentioned last week, I signed up for the QaF Gift Exchange. So I have to write one two fics for that in the next 7 weeks or so. Now, it's been quite a long time since I've watched any QaF, and I clearly don't have time to rewatch the series now. Soooo... can someone out there give me a brief Christmas timeline for the show?? For each season, I just need to know basically where Christmas fell in the timeline. I do remember Deb decorating (though once in the off-season?) so I know they must have mentioned it at some point. If you want to remind me what was happening to the characters at that point each season, that would be a bonus. If not, I can use your general ep info to look it up or rewatch an ep around that time.

Can anybody help me out? HELP ME, QAF FANS. YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE.

writing, tv: queer as folk

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