Quick Check-In

Sep 26, 2020 19:29

Can't let too many days go by with not posting on the ol' LJ or I will fall into old, bad habits. As I type this, the plasterer/fixer-of-inside-the-walls dude is finally, finally, finally here to patch over the giant-ass hole in my bathroom. Because of how bad my phobia is I know it's going to be a while before I stop walking around carrying a flyswatter at all times and obsessively checking everywhere before I enter a room, but hey, it's a start. Hallelujah. He even had Garry the homeowner put the hose on the roof so he could confirm that the leak was fixed. Sooooo happy. I don't even care what it looks like when it's done as long as it's fixed.

Other than waiting anxiously for repairs, I've just been occasionally working, sometimes slacking on work and fixing up my paper not-really-a-bullet-journal instead. I find working in that satisfies the Must Be Creative Or I Will Get Grumpy gene that only writing could fix. Soon enough though it'll all be done to my satisfaction. I better hope that I can actually write again by then.

Hope all are well!

bullet journal, apartment

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