Tracking / Day 6 of 25 Days of Fandom

Oct 01, 2020 12:38

Well, it's a new month so I went back and evaluated how September went on the Habit Tracker scale, and I'm pleased to say I did really well (except for how I didn't read.) Everything else I pretty much stayed on top on, with maybe the other exception being some apartment cleaning stuff. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very clean and organized. But I could probably have dusted and vacuumed one or two more times in there.

For October, my goal is to get back on track with my sleeping. I've been staying up very late and then sleeping in very late, which means that I generally don't start sit down to start transcribing until 4pm or so, which also means that there is no other time in the day to read even if I wanted to. So today I got up at 10:15am (gotta ease into it, ya know) with the goal of eventually having my wake-up time be around 8:30am. I need to find ways to be more productive on other things.

Day 6's Prompt for 25 Days of Fandom is What is the longest you've been in a fandom? What fandom?

It is perhaps a surprise only to me that the longest fandom I've been involved in is for Live Free or Die Hard. Honestly, I figured that QaF would win, but when I checked back on my fanfic posting (which is how I judge how into a fandom I am), there were 7 very active years for Queer as Folk. I did write a few things per year for a few years after that, mostly for Christmas exchanges and for the Gusmas charity thing (remember that?) but that's it. Then I thought The Walking Dead might win because it felt like forever, but there were only about 5 or 6 active years there (because I quit watching after Beth died.)

But Live Free or Die Hard? 10 years and counting! Go John/Matt! :D

goals, bullet journal, meme

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