Doctors and more Norman Yum

Jan 14, 2013 19:37

So I had a check-up today. All well, except my blood pressure was 175/89. Not good. I got to go off my blood pressure meds back in 2011 after I lost a chunk of weight, which made me soooo freakin' happy... but now it's apparently creeping back up again. Doc agreed to let me wait another month to see if it's any different next time. If not, I guess it's back on the meds. :(

January 14, 2013:

At the doctor's office.

And now: MORE REEDUS. I will put them under a cut this time, coz I really do love my flisties. But you should look. BECAUSE REEDUS.

More from the Golden Globes after party.


I mean. Honestly. He's sweet, sexy, kind, multi-talented, generous, soft-spoken, loves animals, loves his fans. And he looks like this. HOW IS HE HUMAN?

And this one is from the night before. IIRC, he was at the Chateau Marmont. Dressed up or down, he's smokin'.

With bonus Jon Bernthal in the background!

Right. Shower and writing time. Adios for now!

photoaday2013, actor: norman reedus, , health

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