I had a rough day yesterday, lots of running around and annoying issues which meant little sleep. So I was tired and grumpy at work last night. Then I saw this video, which made me laugh so hard I cried! Please note that I was tired, LOL. But even hours later, home and warm and about to head to bed, it still makes me giggle. Hope y'all find it amusing as I did!
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January 15, 2013:
Laundry Day. The idea for this was a lot better in my head.
January 16, 2013:
"What's this? Chicken noodle soup for supper? Ohhhh mama, I LOVE WHEN YOU HAVE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP FOR SUPPER! I... thank you... the broth... it's just... I LOVE WHEN YOU HAVE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP FOR SUPPER. Thank you for sharing, mama! It's deeeelicious!"
January 17, 2013:
I call this "Hard at Work". I took it after midnight at work so it totally counts as Thursday's pic. :D
Off to dreamland now. Gnight!