Doctors and more Norman Yum

Jan 14, 2013 19:37

So I had a check-up today. All well, except my blood pressure was 175/89. Not good. I got to go off my blood pressure meds back in 2011 after I lost a chunk of weight, which made me soooo freakin' happy... but now it's apparently creeping back up again. Doc agreed to let me wait another month to see if it's any different next time. If not, I guess ( Read more... )

photoaday2013, actor: norman reedus, , health

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Comments 19

flashfly January 15 2013, 05:14:53 UTC
I love his hair!


severina2001 January 16 2013, 13:26:37 UTC
Right? Whoever styled it that night did a faaaaaaaabulous job. And his eyes are so blue blue BLUE in that top photo.

...I'll be here for awhile, staring.


...still here.


msofdarkness January 15 2013, 05:17:21 UTC
Hey! Did you take any meds for congestion while you had your cold?(I thought I read in one of your recent posts you were fighting a cold) That can raise the blood pressure...I found that out the hard way after a visit to the dentist which landed me back at my Dr's due to my blood pressure being sky high.
The cold meds I had taken that I thought were okay to take had jacked up my BP...went right back down after I stopped taking it.


severina2001 January 16 2013, 13:28:12 UTC
Oh, thanks for thinking of that, but No. Back when I was taking the blood pressure meds I knew I couldn't, so I've just never gotten out of the habit of that. I still just suffer through. Good to know that it still affects BP even when not on meds, though. I guess I'll continue to not take it!


missus_grace January 15 2013, 07:25:51 UTC
Thanks for the Norm fix. How much do I love his artfully mussed hair?

Did you know he did a music video with Lady Gaga? Just saw it for myself last night. She's meh, but he's a hot biker!


severina2001 January 16 2013, 13:29:48 UTC
THE HAIR, I KNOW. Whoever did his hair that night should win an award of something, heeee.

Yup, Judas. He looks pretty smokin' in that thing. He tells a story that when he arrived, the director made this big announcement, "Okay everyone, on your toes, there's a REAL actor on the set" and he was totally embarrassed. (He's just so damn cute.)


lipstickcat January 15 2013, 07:27:55 UTC
Yum! Norman really does look best with that slightly longer hair <3

I hope your BP drops. What the other poster said about the cold medicine could be right if you were taking any - I completely forgot about it myself, but both my parents were really sick before Christmas and when I went to get medicine for them the woman warned me that one of the really good medicines my dad wouldn't be able to take because of his blood pressure.


severina2001 January 16 2013, 13:32:29 UTC
Yum! Norman really does look best with that slightly longer hair <3

I read this comment as "Your Norman" and I was like YES THAT'S RIGHT HE IS MY NORMAN and then I re-read it and went 'oh, wait'. LOL!

Unfortunately no, I wasn't taking any cold meds, but it's good to know that those warning labels don't lie. Heh. I'm already doing most of the things you're supposed to do to control high BP, like eat no/less salt, exercise, etc. I guess I'll just have to hope for the best. :)


tracys_dream January 15 2013, 07:45:30 UTC
Awesome, awesome pics!
Hope your blood pressure is better next time.


severina2001 January 16 2013, 13:34:10 UTC
Did you make icons of those golden globe after party pics yet? BECAUSE I NEED ONE OMG.

...that was my subtle hint. That you should take a break from "rock theme" and do some "omg norman with his long hair and his blue blue eyes omg" iconing. Just in case you didn't catch that. ;)

Thanks for the well wishes!


tracys_dream January 16 2013, 14:10:43 UTC
He did look lovely. *dreamy sigh*
I love your subtkle hint, lol! And I would like a break from these evil rock icons.


severina2001 January 16 2013, 15:05:26 UTC
I'm glad you caught that. Coz it was really really subtle.

Woot to a break!


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