Fandom Pimp :)

Jan 12, 2012 08:44

Fandom Snowflake, Day 12: Rec at least three fanworks that you think would make a good intro into XYZ fandom. Rec a fandom overview, a introductory picspam, stories that define and shape the fandom.

The Live Free or Die Hard fandom is amazing, okay? For a very very very teeny fandom, it has an incredible amount of talent. And honestly, I don't know how anyone can resist both Bruce Willis and Justin Long - a delectable combination of badass and smartass!

Your first stop should be this awesome Live Free or Die Hard primer (prepared by persnickett and posted at smallfandomfest.) Here, you'll find out a little of John McClane's history, get a look at who who's in the movie as well as a quick run-down of the basic plot (and why we love it so damn much.)

Next up, stop by the Bruce Willis and Justin Long Picspam (prepared by moi.) Bruce and Justin clearly enjoyed working with each other, and that's very clear in these playful, sexy photos taken at various premieres and promotional events for the movie.

And lastly, read some fic. The quality of fanfic in this fandom is just incredible, and it seriously took me forever trying to decide which ONE particular story is the best introduction to John McClane and Matt Farrell. In the end I decided to go with one of my absolute favourites: Situation Normal by petwritings. The characterization/voices/dialogue is spot-on, the story is exciting and realistic for the DHverse, and the way the relationship between John and Matt develops just plain works. You can't go wrong with this one.

Hope you enjoy and maybe find a new fandom love!

And I didn't even realize I gave my own Nanofic the same name as this. *sigh* Thankfully the (All Fucked Up) in mine makes it a little different. Heh.

comm: snowflake challenge, movie: live free or die hard, actor: justin long, actor: bruce willis

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