Favourite Canon Moments

Jan 13, 2012 09:18

Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 13: Share a favorite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book) and explain why you love it so much.

Ohhhh, canon. I love canon. Even the parts that I don't love - the ridiculous things like Magic Reversible Aging Drugs in Oz or the hurtful things like Justin Leaving Brian For A Fiddler in Queer as Folk -- I still really DO love, because when I am invested enough in a show to join in with the fandom and talk meta and makes friends and write fic and all that other fun stuff, these characters become "real" to me. So even the ridiculous stuff or hurtful stuff shapes the characters and changes them, and they wouldn't be who they are without it. Does that make sense?

Anyway, my favourite canon moments for my favourite fandoms:

Queer as Folk: Brian saying I Love You to Justin. I will never ever forget literally sitting on the edge of my seat, leaning closer to the TV, mumbling "oh my god he's going to say it" and then - again, literally - clapping and bouncing when he did. What's funny is that I was always one who said that I didn't think Brian needed to say it, but when it happened I was SO happy. And I thought, well, Brian didn't need to say it but Justin needed to hear it. (See what I mean about them becoming real?)

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Oz: New Years Eve Kiss between Chris and Toby. The acceptance on Toby's face, the way Chris lets him take the lead. First time around, I was so conflicted over Chris. He hurt Toby soooo badly, and I wanted to hate him for it. Just like Toby. But he's a charmer, that Chris Keller... and he really did follow Toby around like a puppy-dog trying to make up to him, and he really did love Toby as much as he was able, and… in the end I caved. Just like Toby.

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The Walking Dead: There is a moment in S1 after the camp is attacked, and Daryl is going to put the dead body of one of the campers in the "burn" pile with the walkers. Glenn tearfully tells him to put their people in another spot to be buried… and Daryl complies. It's a small moment, but it's a turning point in Daryl's growth as a character. Up to this point he's been a badass rage-filled anti-social redneck with big-time authority issues, and suddenly he does what the little asian geek tells him to. Without complaint. It let me know that Daryl was a lot more complex than he seemed. And since I had my newly-minted slashgoggles on, it also made me sit up and take notice of the Daryl/Glenn dynamic. A Walking Dead OTP was born. ;)

Can't find that scene, of course.

Supernatural: Okay, so I'm not really "in" the SPN fandom, but I feel like I've gotta include it anyway. Because I loves it. But how to choose? My favourite comic moment is Sam's "acting" in The French Mistake, just because it literally makes me laugh out loud no matter how many times I see it. The not knowing where to put his arms, the awkwardness, the "we can have the weapons, and we'll have the lock, I imagine, because we opened it, and the original key…" OMG.

Can't embed this one, but here's the link: http://youtu.be/mLj7xLtO6Rw

My favourite Means Something moment is when Cas goes after Dean when Dean is going to say Yes to Michael. "I rebelled for THIS? I gave EVERYTHING to you. And this is what you give me?" I've tried to work around in my head why this scene affects me so much - but all I can say is that it does.

What is it with SPN vids and non-embedding? Hmph. It's here: http://youtu.be/62Cdfh5zftM

Live Free or Die Hard: Oh man. There are soooo many. If I have to choose, it would be the moment when Matt tells John that he's going with him to Woodlawn. It works on so many levels: as redemption for Matt, as acceptance for John, as friendship, and as the start of something more than friendship, if you are so inclined. There is also a tiny little moment near the beginning of the film where John talks about "not giving a shit" about Matt, and Matt's face quirks into this awful resigned/vulnerable little expression that makes my heart break for him. I keep coming back to that moment - what it means, what happened to him to make that statement not surprise him? It's something I want to tackle in fic someday.

'Course, I couldn't find either of these moments online, so here's a fanvid I just found instead! (It does feature my fave stunt moment - the car in the tunnel, which is freakin' amazing.( Song is "Time For Miracles" by Adam Lambert. Spoilers for the entire movie, so… watch at your own risk, LFoDH virgins.

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Well, THAT WAS FUN. Awesome reliving all those moments, and finding cool new vids to boot! Now I'm exhausted and gotta hit the hay. Later, 'gator.

comm: snowflake challenge, tv: walking dead, fanvid recs, movie: live free or die hard, tv: supernatural, tv: queer as folk

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