Computer Woes

May 28, 2011 10:18

Remember how I had a sucky week last week? And how this week was supposed to be better? Yeah, not so much.

Besides being drenched a second time in another not-moosoon-but-might-as-well-be, on Monday the computer also died. Just sitting there, chatting and typing, la la la, then boop and it was like someone pulled the plug. Brought it up to the shop on Wednesday, where (of COURSE) it worked fine. Tech dude said it was just the cord that was broken... got a new one and at home on Wednesday all was good. Didn't use it Thursday because the insomnia I've had all week finally broke and I managed to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. Then Friday? Chatting and typing, la la la... boop, NO POWER.

It occasionally comes on, like right now, so I thought I'd post a quick update. I'm off to bring Mr. Willis into the shop, where they've said it's likely "power supply" (whatever that is) and that repairs are estimated at 1 to 2 weeks. *sigh* This ALSO started with 2 weeks left before my Die Hard minibang fic was due, so that'll be significantly late now. Maaaaaaan. Wish Mr. Willis and me some luck, wouldya?

fucking technology

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