My life revolves around the Olympics

Aug 15, 2008 23:54

Working nights, I've only been able to see about 1 hour of live footage per night, but I've been literally planning my sleep schedule around the morning and evening repeat schedule on CBC. (I'm reading my flist, but only flashing out a few comments here and there.) I'm soooo happy this weekend because a) I have no commitments and b) I am able to stay up all night and watch all the events live. I slept all day today and will do so tomorrow as well, so that I'm up and alert at night. :)

Michael Phelps is a MACHINE.

To me, the Olympics isn't really about how many medals my country can get. Canada is never going to be at the top of the medal heap. I'm just soooo ridiculously proud of our Canadian athletes. True, we don't have any medals yet -- but our athletes are posting their fastest and strongest and best times ever. They are breaking Canadian records left and right. Mike Brown was only 9/100th's of a second behind the third place bronze medalist in one of his swimming events. Dylan Armstrong in 4th place was only 1cm behind the bronze medalist in shotput. I do want our athletes to win, and when we finally get a medal it will be very exciting, but honestly -- they are all truly giving 100% and it's so exciting to watch. They have nothing to be ashamed about, and neither do we as a country. I'm so proud of them!

Meanwhile, about medals... Michael Phelps is completely blowing me away. The man is just phenomenal. What I love about the Olympics is that it goes beyond national pride. It's about seeing these athletes at the absolute top of their game doing everything in their power against the best of the best, regardless of where they are from or what country they are representing. We see it in the track events watching the Jamaicans. We see it in beach volleyball with the US womens team. And we have to cheer because the power and skill is just so amazing.

And watching Michael Phelps challenge for the Olympic record is completely exhilarating. When I found out that his quest for his final two golds would be on Friday and Saturday nights I was almost jumping up and down, because it meant that I would be able to witness his swims. I want to be able to watch Olympic history. Tonight's swim for the 7th gold medal was just... I clapped and squealed. :)

OOH MEDAL! They just showed Canada in the womens wrestling and we are no definitely on our way to our first medal. Canada will wrestle for gold. So we're guaranteed at least a silver. Yay!

Now I'm off to try to get caught up on a few things whilst still watching the games. The joy of a laptop! Baseball's on now.

sports: olympics

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