Week Thirteen for mission101

Jun 01, 2008 15:16


#67 - Edit all photos on hard drive
I have 100's of photos. This took hours and hours. But it's now done.

#68 - Organize all photos into appropriate folders
This part didn't take as long as I feared. It's taken a good many hours, though, to then upload the photos onto photobucket for safekeeping. I don't even want to estimate how many... I'm still finishing up!

#74 - Organize files on computer
Did all the photos (above) and the music was already done. Just had to go through all the documents, which were fairly well organized already. Now my hard drive is all nicely organized.

#91 - Update my spring/summer wardrobe
I went out shopping to get tops that would go with brown or green capris. Came home with one new matching top... and one new top that goes only with black capris. *sigh* But in my defense, I tried on about 10 other tops that just didn't look good or didn't fit properly.... and the new black & white top is freakin' gorgeous. So I still don't really have a sufficient spring/summer wardrobe, but I have more than I thought I would and I'm out of cash, so it's going to have to do!

In Progress

#03 - Update council website monthly
May 2008 -- Made the attempt. Updated pages using Pagebreeze, struggled with photos, and can't get pages to upload. Pulled hair out and cried.

#21 - Read 130 books
12. Hang in 'Till the Miracle Happens by Rush Fishel
13. A Thief of Time by Tony Hillerman

#25 - Maintain cleanliness weekly
I seem to be letting the dishes pile up, but otherwise I'm doing okay.

#42 - Increase walk to 1 hour 3x/week for 2 months
May 25, 2008 -- walked to my sister Helen's apartment (50 minutes) lugging presents in a trundle buggy. Workout!
May 28, 2008 -- had to cash a cheque after council meeting, so I just continued walking around when I was done. (60 minutes)
May 31, 2008 -- walked around (45 minutes) while waiting for Krystle to finish at the dentist. This was more like a stroll, but it was the best I could do after this hellish week.

#50 - Prepare salad 4x/week for one month
May 26th to May 29th

#88 - When shopping, pick up one item for food bank, weekly.
Picked up a container of Pounce cat treats. It might seem silly, but I always like to get a couple of pet items.
Weeks: 2/28
Total items to date: 3

Goal List

author: t, comm: mission101, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: r

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