Week Thirteen for mission101

Jun 01, 2008 15:16


#67 - Edit all photos on hard drive
I have 100's of photos. This took hours and hours. But it's now done.

#68 - Organize all photos into appropriate folders
This part didn't take as long as I feared. It's taken a good many hours, though, to then upload the photos onto photobucket for safekeeping. I don't even want to estimate how ( Read more... )

author: t, comm: mission101, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: r

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Comments 6

mdlaw June 1 2008, 22:09:20 UTC
Hey don't limit yourself, that black and white top can probably go with dark wash jean color, red, pink, royal blue, or if your really ambitious yellow. Black and white is the universal neutral. m :D


severina2001 June 1 2008, 22:24:26 UTC
I can't ever imagine wearing red, pink, royal blue, or yellow capris. :)

I know people always say that black goes with anything or white goes with anything, so I guess that makes sense with black/white; they also say that one shade of blue goes with any other shade of blue, etc. In reality, I will never put two different shades of blue together. A blue solid and a blue print, sure. But not two different blue solids. It just looks wrong to me.


bentley1530 June 1 2008, 23:48:42 UTC
Wow, you are really moving along on your list. I am going to buy a couple of summer skirts and then I am done with the summer clothes. With all of the bad news about the US economy and layoffs at my job a little while ago I feel like I should go into saving rather than spending mode.

Nice to see you are keep your exercise up. I am as well but the humidity has started to rise so I am going to have to dig deep to stay consistent.


severina2001 June 2 2008, 23:13:06 UTC
I think saving is a smart move. I do a good bit of that as well -- once money goes into my "savings envelope" then to me, it doesn't exist. Works for me.

The weather is still nice here (warm but not hot during the day, cool enough for a sweater or light jacket at night.) Once the humidity hits, I'll be cursing this walking thing!


flashfly June 2 2008, 04:15:14 UTC
I don't know what shade of green the capris are, but if they're dark enough, the black and white top might go with them. Add some green earrings and you'll be set!


severina2001 June 2 2008, 23:15:24 UTC
You might be able to do that, but I could not! I was saying to someone above that even two different shades of the same colour looks "wrong" to me, like it doesn't go together.


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