I've had enough stress this month, thankyouverymuch

May 30, 2008 08:49

So I've been trying to get back on track with... everything, which seems to be much harder than it should be. I'm reading my flist but I just can't seem to muster the energy to actually respond to anything that anyone's posted about. So I told myself, "Okay, today (today being yesterday) I have the evening free, so I'm going to go online and reply to all my comments and read my flist and respond to many many posts."

And instead, my computer wouldn't work.

So I spent the evening having a panic attack complete with chest pains and crying for literally an hour straight, because all of the photos I've taken of my mom in the last year and a half have been with the digital camera, and all the photos are on the computer. (And the one time I tried to back them up on to disk, the computer kept freezing and I couldn't do it.) So I was completely distraught that the photos were going to be lost. It made for a pretty bad night.

Then I came home from work at 7am and very tentatively tried the computer -- and it worked. So the first thing I did was upload all the mom-pics to my photobucket. Now if the damn computer croaks I'll still be pissed, but I won't feel like I can't breathe. Jeeeeezus.

I've gotta get to bed soon -- I can't sleep for long today because my niece is meeting me to go tuck shop shopping for the nursing home (and by the way, she is doing that because I called her this morning and told her about my horrible night and that I need company today and she agreed even though she was out late last night and probably got only 4 hours sleep and then has to work all day -- I love my niece so much)...

Anyway... I am going to run a virus scan tonight to see if there's maybe a virus that's the problem... but if I suddenly disappear again from LJ, it won't be intentional this time, it'll be because of the computer.

And in case anyone can help in diagnosing the problem: all I did was power up the laptop, enter my password, and it went to the screen that says "Welcome". And then it did nothing. The little round circle cursor thing just cycled and cycled. For hours. Before I went to work I unplugged it from the wall and just left it running on battery power, and when I came home this morning it had run out of juice. (Yes, I know I could take out the battery but I really don't even know how to do that...) Any thoughts on why it would do this or what to do when it does? Any help would be appreciated.

'Kay, I'm heading off to bed now. Hopefully I'll be back tonight or tomorrow.

fucking technology, krystle, mom

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