Fic Update, other rambly randomness

Apr 28, 2004 04:23

Three new ficlets at Here and Now

Material World -- This is what happens when two fans start discussing unconventional POV's during long distance phone calls. I blame r_romantic completely. Heh.

Reunion> -- An AU-But-Maybe-Not snippet. This was the first thing that I thought of when I saw the picture prompt at 15minuteficlets.

Turn, Turn, Turn -- 402 gapfiller, sort of. This was written for this week's word prompt at 15minuteficlets. I certainly never expected to write from this POV, ever.

Limiting myself to 15 minutes teeny fics seems to be a good way to start re-disciplining myself to get back into a regular writing regimen.


Billy's Boy
I was really disappointed with this one. I guess partially because I already had this idea in my head of who I wanted William to be, and he sooooo wasn't that. I also think that the author just couldn't get a handle on writing for William, as he grows from 13 years old to 15 or so in the book. His speech patterns and especially his thought processes seem to be at about the level of a 10 year old. Maybe even younger.

I hated the twist near the end of the book, when William's paternity is revealed. I was dreading it. I DID like that William finally seemed to "grow up" toward the end, and leave the babyish space analogy and mission crap behind. And I also loved Harlan and Vince in the book.

It seems to me that there is a hint of a sequel. William is still dealing with stuff, Shawn isn't settled, there is Ana's bulimia to deal with. Despite having problems with this one, I'd love a sequel... these characters are wonderful, and I would definitely visit them again.

dleigh -- I need to email you. Will try to do that tomorrow night after work. :)

Does anyone know if the music of The Rapture ever been featured on QaF? I saw them two weeks ago -- they co-headlined with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club -- and I kept thinking that I'd heard them before. One of the singers also eerily reminds me of Jon Cryer. We got backstage to hang around after the show, and I totally planned to tell him that -- but The Rapture weren't there. Bummer. Backstage was quite boring, actually. No craziness or anything.

Also, the lead singer of the opening band, whose name escapes me, looked like the love child of Mick Jagger and Ashton Kutcher. He was backstage. I didn't tell him that. Heh.

friends, music: black rebel motorcycle club, author: p, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, writing, music: the rapture

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