Books and random catching up on fandom stuff

Apr 06, 2004 23:47

Book #11 of the 50bookchallenge

11. Harlan's Race by Patricia Nell Warren
I had a hard time with the first few chapters, and reflecting on this, I think it was because I subconsciously didn't want to LOVE this book. The first one affected me so much, it made me CRY, damnit, and christ, I miss Billy.

But I do love this book. I can believe in the progression of events, and the way they impact on Harlan's life. And Billy IS still there, in every action that Harlan takes, until he finally frees himself from... well, not just from Billy's shadow, but from everything that has been holding him back for years and years and impacting on all his relationships. Vince experiences the same growth, and I went from quite disliking Vince to... damn... crying AGAIN at the end.

There is a wonderful symmetry to this novel. The dual stalking theme -- Harlan's personal stalker, and the nameless disease that it striking the gay community -- are just wound together seamlessly.

I came into sexual maturity in the mid-'80's. I remember very clearly when AIDS first came into the public consciousness. I remember being educated, by doctors, by the news, by people that supposedly knew what they were talking about, that unless you fell into one of the four "H" groups (hemophiliacs, homosexuals, Haitians, or heroin users), you were safe. I remember attending my cousin's boyfriend's funeral after he died from AIDS-related pneumonia, seeing David trying to keep up a brave front when he didn't know if he'd been infected himself. The confusion of the gay community in this novel, as they are confronted with this new killer disease that no-one understands, is palpable and quite frightening.

A huge honking THANK YOU to dleigh for sharing this book with me. You rock. Onward to "Billy's Boy"! Except I'm going to Toronto, and don't trust taking that book on public transit where it's mucky and stuff. So I might be stuck reading Anne Rice until I get home.

Randy's boyfriend? One mention by a gossip columnist does not a boyfriend make. If it's true, great. But I don't take much at face value.

Hate and love memes? Eh. I was neither loved nor hated. I'm always the hippie chick in the corner that's occupying the middle ground. Go hippie chicks! :)

New showtime promo photos! Who's gonna upload them somewhere for us Canucks? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

And I said I would NEVER rec in this journal... but damn. "Colder in My Skin" is just so dark and surreal and gah, combines my two favorite things... so I have to break my rule. Don't I?
Part One
Part Two

Think I'm gonna go re-read it right now, actually..
Edit: Damn, the second read-through was creepier than the first. I'm not usually one for warnings, but I guess maybe I should say that this is an AU vamp fic.

actor: randy harrison, friends, fanfic recs, author: p, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, tv: queer as folk

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