Henry Rollins

Apr 03, 2004 03:39

Went to see Henry Rollins at his spoken word show last night. I was MUCH impressed with the show itself. He's intelligent, VERY funny, and insightful. Jenny and I met him afterward and hey phluphee, you were right! He is, indeed, VERY SHORT. Jen stood next to him to get her pic taken with him, so based on that I'd say he's about 5'7".

He's also very... well, he's definitely not about turning the other cheek.

So Henry came out to sign autographs at the stage door. So, this girl had brought a photo of her and Henry from a previous tourdate, and wanted it signed. But she got her male friend to bring it up to him. Henry was all, "Well, if she wants it signed, where IS she?"

Finally the girl steps forward. Henry remembers her. He remembers ALL about her. He remembers that she sent him a "condescending and patronizing email" after the show, in which she "spewed vitriol" (yes, this is actually what Henry said to -- or rather, yelled at -- this girl as we were all standing around) about the show itself, the security (over which he has no control) and finally about the patheticness (my made-up word) of the fans themselves. The girl tried to backtrack, but Henry was having none of it. He demanded that if she had the nerve to speak to him like that in a letter, then she should stand by her convictions when she saw him again in person. Girl stammered, in shock, along with the rest of us.

Finally Henry said, "You want an autograph? Here's your autograph!", scrawled something on the photo, and reached out to give it to her. She wouldn't approach him to get it. (Damn, I don't blame her.) When she wouldn't go get it, he threw it down to her. Because it landed near my feet, I saw what he'd signed. He'd written "Fuck You!".

Memo to self: Never piss off Henry Rollins.


spoken word: henry rollins

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