Random whining and.. more books

Mar 12, 2004 04:28

It's snowing. SNOWING. Nine days till Spring and I practically skated home. Had to walk on the road to avoid falling on my ass, esp. since I've already had my wipe-out of the season, thankyouverymuch.

Back at work two days now. My holidays were not long enough. Work is fine, but my back is KILLING me. I didn't have a single backache while I was on vacation, but as soon as I get back to work I've got one. Our office chairs SUCK, and we just got them in December. Have you seen the ads for that show, where your boss does your job for a week? I'd LOVE my boss to spend a week in the chairs-from-hell dealing with the oh-so-lovely customers that call on night shift. Not that they're all bad, but there's always a few doozies every night.

Spent most of tonight's shift reading, so I guess I can't complain too much. There are benefits to this job. :)

Two more books:

The Boys on the Rock by John Fox
I'm a little ambivalent about this book. There were many things I liked, such as the protagonist's sense of self-worth and (once I got used to it) the writing style. But I never got a sense of *place* from this story. It was supposed to be 1968 but it could have been set anywhere, at any time. The ending left me unfulfilled. Maybe I'm missing something?

Son of Rosemary by Ira Levin
Okay, I loved Rosemary's Baby, both the book and the film. The sequel, set 33 years after the first book, had the potential to be stunning. But the first half of the book is filled with... well... filler. It takes FOREVER to get going, and for Rosemary to come to her senses and start *thinking*. The first book had a steady, building sense of dread... who was in on the conspiracy? Who could Rosemary trust? There was none of that here; in fact, the supporting characters are so badly drawn that half the time I couldn't keep them straight. The ending? I don't know whether I liked it or not!

author: i, weather omg, reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: j, work

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