Me Me Me

Mar 13, 2004 07:58

r_romantic's birthday presents to me arrived in the mail today! I'm so hyped. It's another of those "wow, how amazing are my friends" type presents. She put together a "QaF Fan Fic Writer's Talisman Kit". It's got a package to make lemon bars. Lemon bars! I didn't even know you could buy pkgs to make lemon bars. Soooo definitely making those on Monday. Sandalwood soap, quite rich and luscious looking. Godiva chocolates -- whee! we don't have those here! And I can only imagine how decadent they are. And... well... the last item is gonna remain nameless. I LOVE IT!!! I'm not quite sure what I did to gain such good friends. :)

From teisfortiger's page.. The Really Long Meme. Without this, I'd never have learned that Te is a fellow Canuck (yeah!), dislikes dancing, and doesn't drink. Or that she might possibly, maybe, perhaps, prefer Randy over Gale. Maybe. ;)

Really, really long meme about ME ME ME

March 02

37. But I feel 24, so that’s what counts.

**checking** Yup, still female

Where do you live?
Canada, home of mounties, skidoos, woolen toques, and The Kids in the Hall.

What school do you attend?
I remember school. Vaguely.

Two older sisters. One is 18 years my senior; the other 13 years my senior. So it was almost like being an only child.

Zodiac sign?
Pisces. I’m supposed to be creative and…ummm… full of myself. Pretty darned accurate.

Righty or lefty?

**********YOUR LOOKS**********

Hair color?
Dyed auburn-y/brown-y. I’m always striving to achieve strawberry blonde and never getting there. Might be because I change colours every few months, whenever the mood strikes…

Eye color?


Body Type?
I echo teisfortiger’s Huh? and add a WTF?

Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses at the computer or for TV. Just the mere thought of touching my eyeball makes me shudder, so no contacts for this girl.

Do you have any piercing, if so, where and how many?
One in each ear, and I hardly ever were earrings anyway.

Do you have any tattoos, if so, where and how many?
Upper left arm -- a dog biting its tail. It’s sort of a stick-figure thing and I was told it’s a celtic mythological symbol. No one -- I mean NO ONE -- can ever figure out what it is.

Do you have a certain fashion you follow?
Good lord, no. I dress for comfort in what *I* think I will look good in.

How are you today?
Great; I got more presents. Hee!

What shirt are you wearing right now?
I just had a bubble bath so I’m in a nightshirt. It’s got a hula dancing hippo on it. See? Comfort. Heh.

What does your hair look like at the moment?
In a looped-up pony-tail to keep it out of the bath water.

What song are u listening to right now, or the last song you listened to?
Nothing now. Last CD was “Pop! 20 Hits” by Erasure

What was the last thing u ate?

Last person you talked to on the phone?
I answer phones for a living! So it was my last customer at 4am.

Last dream you can remember?
I was in Brian’s loft (though I didn’t realize it was Brian’s loft till much later), though the loft was a house. Leanne Rhimes (sp?) was there, despite the fact that I barely know who Leanne Rhimes is. Later, Faith Hill showed up, and ditto. r_romantic came up with a very cool dream analysis for this for me, though!

What time is it?

**********MORE ABOUT YOU!**********

If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Blue. Does that mean something?

Have you ever almost died?

How do u eat an Oreo?
I don’t, because Oreos are gross.

What makes you happy?
Hmmm… new episodes of QaF! Writing a section of a fic -- usually a SMALL section -- and having it turn out just the way I envisioned. Knowing that I’m loved.

What is the next cd you're planning to buy?
Moby, because Grace keeps insisting that he’s wonderful.

Whats the best advice ever given to you?
Most recently, something deceptively simple -- to keep trying. To “show up” every day and just do my best.

Have you ever won any special award?
Ummm… way back in HS I won the history award at grad. I got cash. Cash money. Moolah. Oh, and a plaque. AND CASH.

What are your future goals?
Absolutely no idea. I suppose, as simplistic as this sounds, I just want to continue to be happy.

Do you like to dance?
YES! And I do not let the little fact that I cannot dance stop me. You’ve seen Emmett’s “Praise Jesus”? That’s sooooo me.

Worst sickness u have ever had?
Bronchitis, I guess.

Whats the stupidest thing u have ever done?
Stupid? Moi?

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
More confidence in new situations. With my friends, I’m a snarky chatterbox. New people or large groups, I’m a listener, assaying the situation, and perhaps putting in a word or two.

How many kids do u want to have?
Do not want kids. Ever. I have four grown nieces and nephews; five great-nieces and great-nephews. They are my wee babies. All I have to do is love them -- leave the raising to somebody else!

Son's names?
Okay, so I’m never having kids, right? Settle in…

But I always loved the name Xander. So my niece Samantha is pregnant with a boy (her first child was a girl, named Victoria). So for baby #2, she wants Zachary and I want Xander. She decides that if the baby is born after midnight, he’ll be Xander. Before midnight, he’ll be Zachary. She has him after midnight. She names him Zachary. *shakes fist*

So Samantha gets pregnant again. I again lobby for Xander. She gets ultrasound. It’s a girl. *shakes fist* (She names her Elizabeth.)

Samantha gets pregnant again. (Yes, she was a baby machine. The wee babies are currently aged 4, 3, 1 and a half, and 10 mos.) So I go into my big spiel for Xander. This is going to be her last baby and it’s my only chance!! I’m never going to have kids of my own. I’m desperate. And her hubby wants to name the child… get this… Theodore. That’s just cruel. I start to take desperate measures. I tell her that if this poor helpless baby is named Theodore, I will call him THE BEAV. She knows me. It’s not an idle threat.

She names the baby Xander. *wins*

Daughter's names?
Nah, never cared.

Do u do drugs?
No. Seriously, no. But I’ll tell you what I DO. I SPELL. Seriously, how hard is it to add that extra “y” and “o” to the “u”…. to actually spell YOU?

Do u drink?

What kind of shampoo and conditioner do u use?
I think it’s…ummm… it’s one of those Herbal Essences type brands. Raspberry, I think.

What are you most scared of?

How many televisions do you have in your house?
Just one.

Do you have a television in your room?
Add this question to the spelling of “u” and we learn that this survey was likely written by someone… young. I have an apartment, not just a room. So, what room?

Do you have a phone in your room?
See above.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No, but I still have my teddy bear that I was given when I was 2 weeks old. He’s got hardly any fur left. His name is, strangely enough, Teddy.

Have you broken a bone?

Who do you tell your dreams to?
Anybody who cares to listen.

Who is the loudest friend you have?
Amy is a loud-talker.

Who is the quietest friend you have?
Only in contemplating this question did I realize that I have no quiet friends.

Is Cheerleading a sport?
I would say No. But my friend Jehn has competed in province-wide tournaments back in the day, so *shrugs*

******YOU AND LOVE**********

Do you believe in love?

Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?

Do you have crush on any one?

Who is your crush?

When do you think is an appropriate age to get married?
Whenever you darn well please. Well…I guess if you’re ten then it might be a problem…

Do u believe in love at first sight?
No. Lust at first sight, definitely.

Where do u want to go on your honeymoon?
Do I get a honeymoon when I’m not getting married? YAY ME! Since I also think that I have unlimited funds, I choose…an around-the-world tour!

What song do you want played at your wedding?
I’ve actually discussed this with a friend who is as anti-wedding as I am. My choice: “Talk Dirty to Me” by Poison. Her choice: “Erotic City” by Prince. Hee!

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite or same sex?
It’s all about the hair, baby!

Do you think you can be shallow when you pick out a lover?
Since this question assumes that he’s only going to be a lover -- and that I’m picking him out, like a nice ripe fruit -- then I think, HEY, shallow is where it’s at.

*********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********

Lights on or off?
Uh. I don’t know. What am I doing?

Sun or rain?

Cosmo or Margarita?
I don’t know what’s in a Cosmo (sorry Emmett) so I’ll choose the Margarita.

Budwiser or Coors Light?
Neither. Blech! Do you know that there are over 100 chemicals added to most domestic beers?

Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king)?

Do you like scary movies or humorous movies better?
Ummm… Well, IMO, most scary movies aren’t scary and most humorous movies aren’t funny.

On the phone or in person?
Depends on who I’m talking to. I’d rather talk to my boss on the phone, for example, so he can’t see the rude faces and gestures I’m making.

Paper or Plastic?
Plastic. I know, I know, paper is better for the environment. But I don’t drive, and YOU try lugging groceries home in paper bags on the bus.

Sausage, Pepperoni, or Cheese?

Summer or Winter?
Summer. Warm breezes, sunshine, sandals, cool drinks on patios, people-watching…

Hugs or Kisses?
Okay. THIS is my personal space. THAT is your personal space. Just back away… slowly… and keep your hands where I can see them.

Chocolate or White Milk?

Root beer or Dr. pepper?
I don’t like either. Pepsi should have been an option.

On tape or DVD?
Tape, only coz of the *&^% DVD player.

Gale or Randy?

Brian or Justin?
Brian. But Brian without Justin is a slobbery mess. And Justin without Brian is an automoton. So, it MUST be Brian & Justin. Yes.

Rough or Gentle?
Yes please.

Sweet or Sour?

Cats or Dogs?

Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream?

Skiing or Boarding?
Neither. Does boarding mean “skateboarding”?

Day or Night?
Night. I’m a definitely nighthawk.

Cake or Pie?
Pie, preferably Key-Lime. Yummmmy.

Diamonds or Pearls?
Like I’d have anywhere to wear either of them.

Sunset or Sunrise?
Sunrise -- I see it almost every day.

Coffee or Tea?
Both are pretty gross.

Breast or Ass?

Eyes or Lips?

UK or US version of Queer as Folk?

Indoors or Outdoors?
To do what?

**********YOUR FAVES*******

Fave Color?

Fave Food?

Fave Fast food?
Big Mac.

Fave Candy?

Fave Beverage?

Fave Ice cream flavor?

Fave Animal?

Fave Number?
16. No reason.

Fave Radio station?
I never listen to the radio.

Fave Band?
Oh maaaaan. Depeche Mode. Queen. The Mission. The Stray Cats. Dream Academy. The list goes on and on and on…

Fave actor?
Ewan McGregor. Owen Wilson. James Cagney. Gene Kelly.

Fave actress?
Nicole Kidman.

Fave day of the week?
Monday. It’s my day off, and QaF is on.

Fave month?
Any summer month.

Fave TV show?
I bet if you really think about it, you can guess.

Fave movie?
Moulin Rouge is the best movie ever. Yes, it really is.

Fave CD?
I couldn’t pick one band, you expect me to pick one CD?

Fave Store?

Fave Scent?
The grass after a gentle summer rain. *snort* Yeah, riiiight.

Fave Teacher?
Oh! My history teacher through Grades 11 and 12. He would cut out the Spiderman strip from the paper and post it on the bulletin board, and each class began with a discussion of Spidey’s latest dilemma. Man, he had us all addicted to Spiderman. And he let us go off topic and discuss current events all the time. We were his first full-time teaching assignment and everybody loved him.

Fave quote?
“You didn’t get penetration even with the elephant gun!”

Fave FanFic writer?
Oh maaaan. It’s not fair to pick one. I can’t pick one!

Fave FanFiction story?
Well. It totally depends what I’m looking for. There’s ones that I go back to again and again, for different reasons. I love “Voyeur” at the KissThePig site because it’s funny AND hot. “Maps and Legends” is one of the only fics that ever made me laugh out loud, and characterization is brilliant. Erin at Mercury Rising blends sex and emotion so perfectly it makes me spit.

~~~~~~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~~~~

Loved someone so much it made u cry?
Yes. ’Nuff said.

Dreamt the same dream more than once?
I don’t think so.

Broke the law?
Maybe just a teeeeensy bit. In my misspent youth.

Ran from the cops?

Tried to kill yourself?

Been in love?
Yeah. *sigh*

Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?

Had sex?
Gosh no. I am pure and virginal and stuff.

Been on a television show or in a movie?
Nope. But I was interviewed on TV once.

Well, THAT was fun. I hope others take the time -- and yeah, it does take a lot of time -- to fill them out.

my birthday, meme

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