Starting to get excited...

Mar 09, 2004 01:00

So tonight Showcase aired Ep.309. And then I checked the calendar and realized, yup, they're airing the last few eps of S3 to lead up to the S4 premiere. This means... ONLY FIVE MORE WEEKS OF RERUNS TILL EP.401. *jumps up and down* This hiatus has gone on for-freaking-ever...

Catching up on the books read for 50bookchallenge:

5. Queer as Folk: Never Tear Us Apart by Quinn Brockton
The first book (Every Nine Seconds) was fanfic, but it was readable fanfic. This one? *shudder* Pretty much everything was wrong. Brian joins a fraternity and spends much of his time "bonding" with his soccer teammates. Right. Michael gets hurt by several romances and has decided at the age of 18 that he wants stability and monogamy. Uh huh. Emmett is one of Michael's classmates at college. WTF? Well, this was some nice light reading after "The Front Runner" put me through the ringer. Sad thing is, I'll probably still buy the third book in the series. I'm such a sucker.

6. Abba: The Name of the Game
I got this at a used bookstore in Toronto. I couldn't resist, okay? I like Abba. Anyhoo, this is sort of a stream of consciousness thing rather than a straightforward bio, with some quite funny bits, though the authors have a rather twisted fascination with Agnetha's ass.

I'll be able to pick up my reading pace once I get back to work. Holidays have been wonderful but I really didn't do much of the lounging-around that I'd hoped to!

reading challenge: 50bookchallenge, author: q

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