(no subject)

Nov 13, 2006 08:26

Title: Hostage part 1/3
Author: Sevangel
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all
Rating: R.…some much needed and missed Rayne smut
A/N: I couldn't write another part to one of my WIP's….no matter how hard I tried so I decided to write a small, three part Rayne story.


"This is ruttin' boring." Jayne mutters, leaning his head back against the safe wall.

"We're being held in a safe until Mal, Wash, and Zoe make the drop and you're complaining because you're bored?" Simon questions, shaking his head.

"Yeah." Jayne kicks his long legs out in front of him, his eyes hooded as he looks around the small room. It's barely bigger than the common room, a few crates stacked in the corner. Simon and Kaylee are leaning against one of the crates while River lies on the floor between him and them, her bare feet planted on the floor and her knees bent. She's wearin' a pale blue dress that leaves her arms and shoulder bare. It's a little too big for her frame, makin' him think it was probably Kaylee's at some point. Little white buttons run up the front of the dress, from her chest bone down to her knees. The skirt actually ends at her ankles and the part without buttons is spayed open to show the pale skin of her legs. She's muttering softly to her self, her fingers dancing in the air above her. In the small safe, she's actually the most interesting thing around. He ain't really thought on her too much, tries not to with that tempting price hangin' over her head. He won't try and turn her in again though, done learned that lesson and he's got no desire to learn again.

He's pissed as hell to be in this situation, his gun taken and shoved into the safe by a couple lackeys he could'a killed in one shot but they done used Book as leverage to get them to listen. The preacher and Nara are waiting with the men holdin' them here, a gorram group he told Mal not to work with but like always, Mal didn't listen.

"Back away from the door."

Jayne glances up as the voice echoes into the safe. "Ain't a one of us by the gorram door."

The door opens for a brief second and various objects are thrown in.

Jayne slowly rises to his feet and walks over to the pile. He grabs two bottles of water and one of the bags of snaps and tosses them to Simon. He rolls one of the bottles to River and then opens the last one for himself. "Don't drink it all."

Simon looks at him confused.

"We don't know how long we're gonna be here or if they're gonna give us more." Jayne explains, taking a small drink out of his bottle and then closing the lid tightly. "Gotta ration it. Same with the food." He opens the other bag of snaps and pops a few in his mouth as he plops back down on the ground. On a normal day, he could eat the whole bag in one sitting but this ain't a normal day. He hopes it won't take Mal too damn long to get them out; there ain't a feeling he hates more in the world than being hungry. It reminds him too gorram much of his youth. Takin' the smallest portions so that his little brothers and sister got enough to eat. "Girlie, come over here and get somethin' in that belly."

River rolls over onto her knees to look at him, her head tilted to the side.

"Mei-mei, you need to eat." Simon says softly.

River just looks down at the bottle in her hands.

"You're ain't much more than skin and bones, girlie." Jayne feels his voice rumble through his chest and he can't figure out why it matters to him if she eats. Hell, if she don't, it'll be more for him. But she really don't need to be skippin' any meals, hell, she could stand to put on some weight. Though he's gotta say she's got some great legs. Her skirt's done slid down past her knees and he can see the firm muscles of her thighs.

River rises slowly to her feet and he watches as she slinks towards him. He remembers one time, back when he was in his early twenties, he pulled a job on Osiris. Him and the crew is was workin' with at the time were hired to steal some little statue from some museum. He was the guard man, like normal, and while he waitin' downstairs, he noticed somethin' that's stuck with every sense. It was a vid playin' for Earth-That-Was. One with a large, muscular tan cat huntin'; a female lion. Just the look in it's eyes, the hunger, the danger, was enough to make him glad they were extinct. He sees them like Reavers; you can't reason with 'em and they don't care bout nothin' but the kill. And River, with her thin, muscular body, dark eyes, and predator-like walk reminds him of that damn cat.

He holds the bag up to her and she takes a small handful before moving back to lie in her former spot. He watches in morbid fascination as she carefully arranges the snacks on her belly in some weird pattern that only she understands. She really is the strangest creature and though he'd never admit it to anyone, probably the most fascinatin' he's ever met. Most people he can size up in one of four categories: trim and ain't important in anything but that. Family and friends, those at home and the few he's come to worry bout when there ain't no reason for him to. Threats, those he won't let his guard down at all around. And non-threats, people he knows ain't gonna hurt him but he don't trust them enough to see as friends. Most everyone he meets falls into that last one. River doesn't fall into any of them. If anything, she's a combination of all them. Except the trim one. With a loud grunt, he stands up. "Doc, help me move these crates."

"Why?" Simon questions as he stands up.

"We're gonna block off a space for you three to sleep behind." Jayne explains, bending down to gather up the blankets and pillows that were thrown in with the food. "Chances are, they ain't gonna hold up their end or if Mal don't work at the speed they want, they might decide to take that out on the girls. Want them behind the crates in case they decide to take them."

"Oh." Simon mutters.

They work together quietly, Jayne a little startled at Simon's strength. He's always seen the doc as a female version of his sister, skinny and weak. They get the crates set up so that the back portion of the room is blocked off. "You three get some sleep."

"What about you?" Simon questions.

Jayne grabs one of the blankets and pillows, leaving the remaining one on the crates he set all on earlier. "I'm gonna sleep out here." He nods his head towards the door. "I'm a light sleeper when need be so don't go gettin' too close or you're liable to get tossed cross the room."

"Okay." Simon agrees.

Jayne nods and starts towards his spot, nudging River lightly with his foot when he passes. "Girlie, time to go to sleep."

She once and again rolls over onto her knees, looking up at him with wide, brown eyes. He can't help it; his pants tighten a little bit. Hell, it's a natural reaction to seein' her in that position, on her knees in front of him and when she licks her lips, his hands fist around the blanket he's holding. He never noticed how plump her lips were, how pink her tongue is or how straight her teeth are. Hell, he never noticed that she's actually a woman and not a crazy girl. But he's noticin' now.

"Mei-mei, you should get some sleep." Simon says from behind the crate.

The doctor's voice knocks him out of his daze. He tosses his blanket and pillow into the corner and plops down next to them. He hoods his eyes and watches River crawl across the floor on her knees until she's completely out of sight. He reaches up to flip of the light, leaning against the wall as his eyes adjust to the dark.

"Um, Jayne, why did you turn the light off?"

Jayne sighs. "Cuz, doc, it give me the advantage over them if'n they decide to come in. They ain't gonna know where I am but I'll know where they are."


Silence once again takes over the room and Jayne bunches his pillow up and lays his head down on it, throwing the blanket over the bottom portion of his body. He can tell when they fall asleep, hear their breathing even out and lets himself relax a little. He knows what Mal'll do to him if anything happens to Kaylee or River. And he even figures the captain might be a little upset if somethin' happens to the doc. He sleeps in a light, almost awake state, his eyes closed and body rested but his mind ready for any attack.

But not the one that happens.

A small, cold hand touches his bicep and he quickly grabs the hand, tugging harshly. A small body lands on his chest, bony knees digging into his thighs and just as bony elbows diggin' into his stomach. He reaches down to grab the other hand and then tugs them both up until they're held above his head, in the process pullin' the person closer to him. It takes a few seconds for his eyes to readjust to the darkness but he already knows who's on top of him. "Girlie, what're you doin'?"


He's a lion. From his hairy mane to his big paws to his large appetite to his sharp teeth and mean bite to his loud growl. Simon likes to think of him as an ape but he's not. He's a lion. He has no need to learn propriety or manners, they don't serve a purpose for him. He doesn't waste time on unneeded things, on appearances or protocol. He doesn't need to. He only does what he wants to do and everyone else be damned.

She finds that fascinating. It's why she's always bothering him. She likes to see his reactions. When attacked, he attacks back. When presented with something sexually arousing, such as Inara and her female client, he masturbates. When his food is stolen, he steals back. She closes her eyes and leans her face down to his neck. He smells different from anybody else she's ever smelt. Warm, smoky, rich. He smells just like he should; like an alpha male.

She can feel the rumble of his questions moving from his chest into hers and she giggles at the feeling.

"Gorramit, ain't funny." Jayne growls.

"You growl." River purrs into his chest. "Like a lion."

"Ain't a lion." Jayne protests.

River moves up a little ways and rests her forehead on his. "An alpha male." She whispers. "You won't even completely bow down to the captain because it goes against your nature. You take what you need, ravage to fill your desires, and devour to sate your hunger." She inches her nose down his face until it's resting against his scratchy chin. "You're an animal." She feels rather than hears the growl the follows. She rubs her nose against his chin, his scent registering to the darkest part of her, the part that the academy tried to control but never could. The part that belongs to her and keeps her from becoming only a weapon. The part that has been dormant for the first eighteen years of her life but has finally woken up. "So am I."

She feels the shock flood Jayne's body as she rubs her body against his like a cat. He's hard, muscular, and so very warm. She feels his big paw settle on the small of her back and a purr rumbles up her chest. She feels so alive in this moment and everything fades away except for that feeling.


He's in ruttin' trouble. He's goin' to get a first-class ticket to that special hell Shepard Book is always goin' on about and when Mal finds out bout what's goin' on, that ride'll be pretty damn soon. He should be throwin' her off him or yellin' at her gorram brother to come get her but he doesn't. Instead, he flattens his hand on her back to push her more into his body. She smells so good, so different than the whores he normally beds. She smells like rain, fresh and cool and so gorram innocent that touchin' her should burn. But there's also somethin' there, somethin' that he's never felt with anybody else. A connection, a sync, an animalistic hunger that he's always pushed down.

"Girlie, what're ya wantin'?" Jayne knows what he wants and he's pretty sure he knows what she wants but he's gotta be a hundred percent sure before he does anything. He feels her hand move to trace over his face and when it touches his lips, he snags it with his teeth, drawling it into is mouth. He feels her breath hitch, feels her thighs spread until she's straddlin' his hips, and feels her little tits press against his chest. He sucks on her fingers, his hand movin' down her back to cup her right ass cheek. He kneads the firm cheek, a groan filling his chest when she purrs. That little sound shoots straight to his dick, hardenin' it more every time. He can still hear the light sound of the doc snorin' and the mumbles comin' from Kaylee's mouth so he knows they're okay for now.

River shudders at the bolt of feeling that shoots from Jayne's hand on her buttocks to the place between her thighs. She feels wet down there, a feeling she's never felt before. The academy tried to reprogram that part of her, control it to their liking, so she learned to shut it off. To look at everything scientifically rather than emotionally. But now it's on and she's not sure what to do now. But she knows Jayne will know. "Jayne."

"Yeah." Jayne runs a hand down her thigh to find the bottom of her dress.

"I don't know what I want." River whispers, rubbing her suddenly aching chest against his. "I feel tight, swollen, wet."

"Ta ma'de." Jayne growls, his hand moving her dress up the back of her thighs. "Sayin' you don't know what you want and then describin' how aroused you are ain't that fair."

"Arousal." River repeats, tasting the world on her tongue. She rubs her lower body against his, moaning softly as a large bulge brushes against the center of her. "Ohhh."

"What?" Jayne rubs his hand up her smooth thigh.

"You are aroused?" River asks, rocking her body against his. Each time the bulge presses against her, a little shock rushes through her body, ending with her panties growing wetter.

"Yeah." Jayne grunts, his hand moving up the bottom of her panties to cup her bare ass cheek. He feels the soft cotton stretch under his hand and is pretty sure these panties ain't gonna fit her right no more. He rubs her ass cheek, molding his hand around it, and growing more aroused as she mewls. "Girlie girl, you ever done this before?"

"No." River purrs, writhing against his hand.

"Okay." Jayne is pretty gorram sure he should push her away, knows it's right, but then she goes and bites his chest. "I ain't got no protection so we're gonna have to stop."

River shakes her head. "No."

"Yes." Jayne chuckles lightly. "In a few minutes, we're stoppin'. Till then, we're gonna play a little."

"I like to play." River says.

Jayne sits up and turns around until his back is against the wall and he's facin' the crates. "I'm gonna touch you somewhere you've probably never been touched. If you don't like it, tell me."


Jayne unbuttons the front of her dress, wishin' like hell the lights was on. He wants to see what she looks like, wants to see the look on her face when she comes, but ain't gonna risk wakin' the doc and little Kaylee up. Once her dress is unbuttoned, he pushes the halves apart but stops her from takin' it off. "Your brother or little Kaylee wake up, you're gonna have to button that up fast, dong ma?"

"Okay." River shivers as the cold air touches her body, cooling parts recently warmed by Jayne's bulk.

Jayne can just make out he dips and hollows of her body, a body that is more curvy than he first thought. He moves his hands up her ribs, cuppin' the firm globes.

"Oh." River pants, leaning forward to rest her forehead against his. "Such big hands."

"The better to touch you with, girlie girl'." Jayne drawls, gently kneading the firm globes. Her tits fit perfectly in his hands, not too small and not overflowin' them. Her hard nipples press against his palm and he pulls back to rub his thumbs over them.

River has to bite her lip to keep from moaning loudly. It's indescribable, the sensation of Jayne's rough, big hands cupping her breasts. Her panties are useless now, so wet she will have to throw them away. It is almost embarrassing how wet she is down there and the innocent part of her is afraid it will disgust Jayne. But the aroused part of her, the part that is panting heavily against him, doesn't care.

"Girlie girl, I'm gonna move my hands." Jayne whispers. "And my head. Want you to rest your mouth against my arm and bite down if you're gonna make too much noise, okay?" He feels River nod and moves his head away from hers. He licks the soft skin of her neck, processing and memorizing her taste with one swipe of his tongue. He waits until River's face is resting against his arm before moving further down to circle his tongue around one hard nipple. He feels her shudder again, feels her hands clench around his arm, and feels her mouth open on his arm. He grazes the hard nub with his teeth while his right hand moves down her belly. He runs his fingers along the top of her panties and then after he feels her nod against his arm, pushes his hand inside. "Jesus."

"I'm sorry." River whispers, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

"Don't be sorry bout this." Jayne says firmly, coating his palm with her arousal. "Ever, dong ma?"

River nods, unable to form words at the feel of his hand cupping her. His big hand is so warm, so perfect between her thighs. "Jayne."

"Yeah?" Jayne applies pressure against her swollen clit with his thumb.

"Oh…Jay…ne…I fear I'm breaking." River pants against his mouth.

"Yeah." Jayne slips a finger inside her and pushes down hard with his thumb. "You are."

River bites down hard as she breaks into a million pieces. She flows out, her mind and body taken over by complete ecstasy. She can taste the copper of Jayne's blood fill her mouth as her body clenches tightly around the finger inside her.

Jayne bites his lip and it takes every bit of his control not to rip her panties off and bury himself inside her warm, slick body. He pulls his hand out of her body after she stops pulsin' and rubs his hand on his pants. "You okay there, girlie girl?"

"Mm hmm." River purrs, contentment warming her body and calming her mind. She starts to rub her body against his and is instantly filled with his discomfort. "What's wrong?"

A humorless laugh leaves his mouth, hell, she's more innocent than he first expected.

Now that her mind is not longer flooded by lust, she's able to think more clearly. There is still a slight hum between her legs but unlike before, it doesn’t control her completely. But she's starting to wonder if the big bulge between Jayne's legs does control him. She moves her hands down the where his t-shirt is tucked in and pulls it out. Then she slides her hands up under the soft cotton, her hands rubbing against his hard chest.

Jayne lets his head lull back against the wall, his eyes drifting closed. Her little hands massage his chest, her fingers kneading against his skin like a cat. Hell, she is a little cat, curled up on his lap and purrin' with contentment. And if he didn't have the huge hard-on he did right now, he'd probably be purrin' along with her.

River dances her fingers down Jayne's chest, dipping into his belly button and sliding down to play with the soft, fine hairs leading down to the top of his pants. His pants take very little effort to undo and she has her hand inside his them before his eyes even open.

"What are…" Jayne's eyes shoot open, looking down his body and trying to find hers in the darkness. It's weird as hell to have a girl playin' with his dick and be unable to see what they're doin'. And it's erotic as hell. Her little hands mold around his hard cock and if he could form words, he'd probably tell her to stop playin' and beat him off.

River molds her hand around him, sliding it up and down in sync with his heavy breathing. He's on edge, she can feel it. His entire body is like a live wire and he's about to let loose.

"Girlie girl, I'm bout to blow." Jayne warns, his voice soundin' like a loud growl even to his own ears.

"Okay." River tightens her hand around him and bends her head to blow on his tip.

Jayne clenches his hands around the blanket he's sittin' on, bitin' his lip to keep from moanin' out his orgasm.

She's a little startled by the explosion on her hand but follows his lead and rubs it on the skirt of her dress. She puts him back in his pants as quickly as she pulled him out and then curls up on his body, her head resting over the reassuring sound of his heart beating.

"Girlie girl, you gotta go back behind them crates before your brother wakes up." Jayne reminds her, fluffing up his pillow and lying back down. He lifts up far enough to tug the blanket out from under his body and then covers them both up with it.

River tucks her feet up under the inside of his thighs and rubs her nose into his chest. "Okay."

He should probably make her move now but he ain't done a gorram thing that he should be doin' since she climbed on top of him and it'd be kinda pointless to start now.


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