(no subject)

Dec 18, 2006 07:26

Title: Hostage part 2
Author: Sevangel
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all
Rating: NC-17.…some much needed and missed Rayne smut
A/N: This is completely different from any Rayne I've written. This is dark, explicit, and at times, dirty. This is a look at the Rayne pairing I've never tried so I am forewarning everyone. It is consensual but very much dom/com but as most know, I am a sucker for happy endings so this will most likely have one.

Part 1


Simon methodically pushes the tip of the needle in and out of the torn flesh of Jayne's right shoulder. The bigger man grunts occasionally but besides the few verbal omissions of pain, the infirmary is quiet. Outside the doors of the silent room sit two young girls, one wringing her hands worriedly while the other one traces her fingers through the air.

"Mei-mei, why don't you come with me." Inara suggests softy to River.

River shakes her head, her hand pausing in the air. "Must ensure that the roar was not destroyed."

"River, sweetie, Jayne's fine." Zoe pats the small girl sympothetically on the arm. "He's been shot a good amount, no where near the cap'n but enough."

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but when it comes to personal safety, Jayne is smarter than the captain." Inara says.

"Hey now, I ain't the one that took a bullet for little River and Kaylee." Mal walks into the common room, running his thumbs under his suspenders. "That'd be Jayne."

"Yes." Shepard Book walks into the room behind Mal. "Interesting for a man who calls himself selfish."

"Ain't it just." Mal agrees, looking into the infirmary with a calculating eye. "What exactly happened again?"

Kaylee sighs, having told the story four times already, but is cut off by River before she can speak.

"Your years are advanced but not that much." River walks around Mal, leaning up on her tiptoes to examine the top of his head. "And though your hair is thinning, your ability to retain and recall information hasn't."

Mal touches his head self-consciously while the rest of the room laughs. "Hey now."

"What's so gorram funny?" Jayne steps out of the infirmary and is a little startled to see River standing on her tiptoes only a few inches from the captain's body.

River touches the tip of her finger to Mal's slightly thinning hair. "The captain's predisposition to male pattern baldness." She dances away from Mal, one leg kicking over her head, before spinning on her tiptoes over to where Jayne is standing. She first examines his bandaged shoulder, leaning close and whispering to it, before placing both of her hands on his arm and pushing up as high as she can get. Her eyes become level with the top of the merc's head. "The source is rich here; have no fear, your head will remain warm." Then she kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you for wounding yourself; my red thanks you also."

"Yeah, well, figure I got more of it to spare." Jayne's eyes follow her as she dances a circle around him and then starts out of the common room.

River pauses and glances over her shoulder. "True." Then she dances away and up the stairs.

"That sister of yours is a strange one." Jayne comments.

"She always has been." Simon agrees. "I don't…I'm not sure how to thank you. You didn't have to save them but I am grateful that you did."

"Ain't no big deal." Jayne tries to shrug it off. "Hell, it's just a gorram scratch. Kinda disappointing too; I was lookin' forward to a good fight." He really was too. He was lookin' forward to killin' someone but hell, there was only two bullets fired; the one that hit him and the one that Zoe shot, killin' the man that hit him. Then they were released and drove back to the boat as if nothin' had happened.

"Mayhaps you'll get one on the next job." Mal pats Jayne on the back, his way of saying thanks. "Till then, rest up."

"I'm gonna make supper." Kaylee bounces to her feet. "Jayne, you hungry? I can make that casserole you like."

"Sounds good, little Kaylee." Jayne pats her one the shoulder.

Kaylee throws her arms around him and hugs him, kissing him softly on the cheek. "Thank you."

"No problem, little Kaylee." Jayne pats her on the head. "Just doin' my job."


Been a week. Been a week since that night in the bank safe. A week since he had his hand in her panties, coating his fingers with her wet warmth. A week since her little hand was wrapped tight around his cock. A week since he felt her cum and a week since she made him cum. He's been keepin' his distance from her but it ain't matterin' none. He can ruttin' smell her, all the damn time. The best is when he's liftin' weights and she's lyin' above him, watchin'. He can practically taste her arousal then. He usually lets his mind wander loose then, eyes half closed as he pumps the iron bar, lookin' above him and seein' the flush coat her skin. Seein' the need fill her eyes. He wants her again, knows he'll have her, but it'll be on his terms, not hers. She might not be a whore but she ain't nothin' more than a girl he wants to screw. He reminds himself this over and over again as he lifts, determined that this won't ever be more than scratchin' an inch. Deep down he knows it ain't the truth, whatever she may be, it ain't just a girl and ain't just trim. But pretending she is is the only way he'll get through this.

River watches from above, his lust and determinedness to always be in control coating her skin. Normally, she'd shrink from that feeling, having no desire to be controlled but secretly, she wants it. She wants somebody to tell her what to do, to show her what she wants, to make her feel dominated and like it. Her father tried to control her but was never successful; it was the reason she was sent away to school in the first place. The academy tried to control her and in certain aspects, they succeeded, but she was defiant when she was able to be. She argued with her teachers, questioned their methods, ridiculed their beliefs, and mocked their abilities, if not always in words, some times in actions. But Jayne, she can feel his need to dominate her, to make her into nothing but a sexual object, and the secret, dark part of her throbs at the thought. She wants to let him. The girl inside is disgusted by the need but she still wants to let him.

She slowly rises to her feet and walks away, eyes looking under her as Jayne watches. She hears Jayne return the bar to its holder, hears him put his equipment away, slowly, methodically, as if he has all the time in the world. As if he doesn’t know she's waiting for him. As if he doesn't care that she is. And so it begins. She only has one chance to back-away and this is it. Her body remembers what she felt before, remembers the bliss of having his hands and mouth on her, and wants it again. She wants that nothingness. She needs it. She feels him moving again and removes her panties with the slightest shaking of her hand. She slides open the shuttle door and steps into the doorway.

Jayne stalks towards the shuttle door, wiping the sweat off the back of his neck with his small towel. He sees her standing there, watching him, and then sees her nod slightly in his direction. He can smell her again, this time stronger than she normally is, and throws the towel over his shoulder as he nears her. Damn, does he want her. He wants to bend her over the table in the mess, force her thighs apart and shove into her until she's begging for more. He wants her on her knees in front of him, her mouth wrapped tightly around him and his hand buried in hair. Wants her heels digging into his back as he buries his face in her scent. He wants her to want him, not matter what, no matter where. He wants her in ways that even make him uneasy.

"I understand." River whispers softly.

"Understand what, girlie girl?" Jayne tosses his towel onto the ground behind her, lifting an eyebrow at the scrap of cotton lying there too.

"What this is." River runs her fingers down the doorway. "Cravings. Need. Fulfillment. Want. Desire. Arousal."

"That's right, girlie." Jayne steps up beside her, using his large frame to crowd her back into the cold steel. "You want me?"

River looks up at him and swallows heavily at the lust in his eyes. "Yes."

"That's good." Jayne murmurs, his voice sounding husky even to his own ears. He runs a finger down her pale, cool cheek, and down her swan-like neck. He crowds in even closer and leans his head down towards hers. "Why'd you take your panties off, girlie?"

River closes her eyes, swallowing the lust that coats her tongue as his growl rumbles through them. "They are wet."

"Are they now?" Jayne pushes her dress down her shoulder and licks her white skin. He breathes in deeply and runs one hand down her belly to the apex of her thighs. "You as wet as before?"

"Don't know." River leans her forehead on his chest, spreading her legs further apart.

"Find out." Jayne orders.

River blinks open her eyes and looks up at him.

He almost tells her to forget it, tells her to ignore his crude request, but swallows the words. She looks so damn innocent lookin' up at him with those big browns and he needs her to be as dirty as he is to keep from feeling like the gorram pervert he is. "Touch yourself, tell me how wet you are."

Her brother would most likely have an aneurism if he knew what she was about to let Jayne do to her. The captain would likely kill Jayne as would Zoe. Inara and Shepard Book would try and talk to her, tell her how wrong her actions are, how she shouldn't let herself be used this way. Wash would keep his opinion to himself but she can picture his disapproval. Kaylee is the only one she thinks might not disapprove. The mechanic knows and craves human contact much more than the rest of the crew. But this isn't about them, it's about her. So she bites her bottom lip and slides her shaking hand over his and between her thighs.

Jayne bunches up the skirt of her gown with one hand and unbuttons the top of her dress with the other. These buttons are bigger and it only takes three to bare her chest. Her tits really are larger than he's ever thought; perky, full, pale globes thrusting towards him with tight, light brown tips. He rubs his thumb over one tight bud and then steps away slightly. Two steps down and he's chest level with her.

"Jayne?" River's hand pauses on the inside of her thigh, her loins throbbing with suppressed need.

Jayne plants his right foot on the step above him. "Put your left foot on my knee."

River hesitates, knowing the position will open her body up to Jayne's in ways she's never voluntarily done. She once again swallows her doubts and slowly lifts her leg up until her bare foot is resting on his bare knee.

Jayne reaches up and cups her breast again. "Touch yourself, girlie."

River arches her chest slightly into his warm palm, shuddering slightly as he pinches her tight nipple and moves her hand completely under her skirt. Her folds are soaking wet and spread slightly open due to her position. She zones in one that one swollen spot, the bud that Jayne used to send her into nothingness with no more than a few strokes, and flicks her finger against it.

He hardens tenfold and tightens his hand around her tit as she moans. He can't see what she's doing, not really, her hand is masked by her skirt, but he can picture it. Can see her little, nimble fingers skating over her aroused flesh, her juices coating her hand, can picture her licking her taste off her own fingers as his hand takes over hers previous position. And they will, but first he wants to see her. "Lift your skirt up."

River leans her side against the doorframe and uses her free hand to slowly lift her skirt up.

Jayne licks his lips as her body is revealed to him. She's soaking wet. He's never seen a girl this aroused in his entire life and he's been with more than he can count. Her entire hand is soaked, her arousal running down her wrist. He can see her arousal sliding backwards from the tight bud of her clit back towards her ass. "You ain't allowed to wear panties no more."

River's fingers pause over her clit. "What?"

Jayne takes a step upwards, moving her foot down his knee until it's hanging mid-air, the inside of her knee over his. It brings her closer to him and he runs his hand up her ankle to her knee and down her thigh. "When we're on the boat, don't wear panties. Don't want you wearin' them when you're off the boat either, unless I'm not with you, dong ma?"

River opens her mouth to protest and then hisses loudly when he cups her heat, pressing her own fingers hard against her swollen clit.

Jayne jerks her hand away from her body and open to his mouth, breathing in her scent deep before sucking her wet finger into his mouth.

River's eyes focus on Jayne's as he sucks her taste from her skin. His hand just rests on her private area, making her keenly aware of her arousal but doing nothing to relieve it.

Jayne cleans her thumb, ring, and pinky finger of her arousal and swipes his tongue across her palm. Then he takes her hand and moves it to her mouth.

River's eyes widen in shock at his actions, her mouth opening on a gasp. Jayne uses the opportunity to slip her middle finger into her mouth and she moans. Looking him dead in the eyes, she suckles on her finger.

"Fuck." Jayne growls, his dick pushing hard against the soft cotton of his exercise shorts. It's completely sexual, the look in her eyes as she cleans her finger. He spreads his fingers out, coating them with her arousal.

"Ohhh.." River pants around her finger, not protesting when Jayne pushes her pointer one in with her middle, and suckles her mouth tightly around the digits. She tastes rich, honeyed, and it equally disgusts and arouses her that she enjoys it.

Jayne pushes one finger inside her, savors the feel of her body gripping him tightly, and then adds a second.

River gasps again, her wet fingers moving out of her mouth to scramble at his shoulder. "Stretch, fill, need."

"You need me, girlie?" Jayne pulls his fingers out and thrusts them back in.

River pants, her nails digging into his arm, and thrusts into his fingers.

"Didn't answer me." Jayne wiggles a third finger into her opening, pausing for a moment to let her adjust to the invasion. "You need me?"

River shudders as he twists his fingers and rubs his thumb over her clit. "Yes."

"You gonna wear panties on the boat?" He leans forward and bites one of her hard nipples as he finger fucks her.

River mewls loudly, her hips undulating against his hand in complete distress. She needs that feeling, needs that nothingness, but even as she seeks it, he pulls it away.

"You gonna wear your panties?" Jayne pulls one finger out followed by another until just his middle is resting inside her.

"Oh, Buddha." River moans, pushing against his fingers. "Please, Jayne."

"Panties?" God, she looks good. Eyes full of nothing but lust, chest heaving, thighs spread open, and hips thrusting towards him desperately.

"No panties." River agrees. "Please."

"That's my girl." Jayne pushes the three fingers back inside her, sucks one pert, hard nipple into his mouth, and grinds his thumb down onto her clit.

River slams her scented hand over her mouth to hold in her scream of release. Her leg buckles and she barely registers Jayne wrapping his free hand around her to keep her up.

He watches in amazement as she comes completely undone. He's never seen this open of a response. She's ain't holdin' a damn thing back. Her pleasure flows over her face, racks her body, and fills every damn part of her.

River stretches happily, moaning softly at the feel of his fingers still inside her. In a fluid move, she moves her leg off his and in the process, his fingers pull out of her with a pop.

Jayne watches her walk around him and doesn't protest when she urges him down into the shuttle's doorway.

River tucks the skirt of her dress up into the top portion of her dress, securing it so that both her breasts and her cunt are bare. She straddles his lap and lowers down her body as she reaches for the hand that is coated in her. She can feel the hardness of him pressing against the wetness of her and grinds down onto him.

"Whatcha plannin', girlie?" Jayne wraps a hand in her hair and tilts her head back to look her in the eyes.

"Whatever you want." River brings his hand up to her mouth and suckles on his middle finger.

"Damn, girl, I want that mouth 'round me." Jayne growls, watching as she bobs her head against his fingers, mimicking an act he loves to have performed on him. "But later." He reaches between them and pushes his shorts down far enough for his rock-hard cock to pop out. "First, I wanna be inside you."

River nods and continues to suckle his fingers as she rises up slightly.

Jayne wraps his free hand around her back and urges her forward. "Put me inside you."

River swallows and then does as ordered, her hand dropping down to wrap around him and lead him into her body. The tip of him stretches her, much more than his fingers did, and her mouth drops open.

Jayne hisses loudly as her tight, wet, and warm body engulfs him. Despite how tight she is and large he is, he slides right in, pushing past and breaking her hymen before filling her body completely. He rests there, closing his eyes and digging his fingers into her back as he tries to retain control.

River pants around his fingers, her body stretched beyond belief, and her loving every part of it. She experimentally rises up and then drops down.

"Gorramit." Jayne growls, pulling his hand out of her mouth and wrapping it in her hair. "I tell you to move?"

"No." River pants, shaking her head. "Feels good."

"Yes, it gorram does." Jayne agrees. "Reach up and grab the doorframe."

River does so without hesitation.

"Don't move your arms." Jayne nips one of her hard nipples. "Don't rotate your hips." He presses his hand hard against her back and pushes her chest towards him. "Just ride me."

River whimpers in pure need as he feeds on her breasts. She's been trained how to ride a horse by professionals; she's even competed in jumping, but she fumbles above him like an amateur. She just wants him inside her, doesn't want him out. She wants to rotate her hips against him, feel the hair of his privates rub against hers, feel his body bump her clit repeatedly, but he told her no. Instead she just rises and falls, building up a steady rhythm as time passes.

"You're so tight, girlie." Jayne lathes her hard nipple with his tongue before biting down on the hard tip. "So wet."

River arches her back as she rides him, using her hands on the doorframe to add more pressure to each thrust. She's throbbing, her entire being tight with unfulfilled need. And even though he feels so good inside her, it's not enough. "Please, Jayne."

"Please what, girlie?" Jayne sucks her entire right breast into his mouth.

"Ohhh…" River moans, her body shaking with shocks of pleasure. "Ohh.."

He almost cums at the look on her face. He's never seen so much need. She'd probably let him fuck her with the entire crew watchin' when she's like this. But it's her eyes that almost have him burstin' inside her. She's trustin' him. She is completely giving up all control to him and he practically preens with the realization.

"Alright, girlie girl." Jayne cups the back of her head and moves her mouth to his shoulder. "Get yourself off."

With a grateful, need-filled whimper, River drops her body down completely on his and then rotates her hips against his. She comes instantly.

He closes his eyes tightly as her body bares down on his, her walls squeezing him tightly and repeatedly. He waits until the most intense of her waves are over before pushing a hand between them. He finds her wet, swollen clit with almost no searching and twists it harshly.

River screeches, barely having enough presence of mind to bury her face back in Jayne's arm as she cums again. Her arms go lax and she releases the frame as he fills her, his essence flooding into her core.

He shoulda pulled out but hell, he didn't even think bout it until he done released inside her. Hell, this'll get em caught. She ends up pregnant, he's dead.

"It is not the opportune time." River murmurs against his chest.

"What?" Jayne grunts.

"I will not become with child." River elaborates. "You will not need to wear protection until next Thursday."

"How do you know that?" Jayne asks.

"I know." River replies.

"How do you know there'll be a next Thursday?" Jayne rumbles. "Hell, maybe I was just scratchin' an inch."

"No panties." River rises slightly and falls back down, listening to the sounds of his semen coating the inside of her body. "It is why I am not to wear panties. You want me open at any time and want me to know you can have me at anytime."

Jayne swallows his disgusts at what he's doing to her. "That's right."

"I know." River slowly stands up, Jayne's penis pulling from her body with a loud pop, and then cups her self. Her fingers coat with her juices and his release and she looks him in the eye as she sucks them from her wet fingers. "I know."

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