(no subject)

Nov 06, 2006 05:36

Title: Master
Claim: Firefly verse
Author: Sevangel
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Wash/Zoe
Prompt 20: Leather



"You may put me down here." Wash leans back against his fur covered throne and gestures for his minions to put him down.

"As you wish, master Wash." Mal nods. "Minions."

Jayne grunts but obediently lowers the platform that Wash's throne is on.

"Leave." Wash waves his hand and the minions leave the area.

"Master Wash, your tonic." Simon hands the wooden glass to Wash with a bow.

Wash takes the drink and nods. "You may go."

"Master Wash, I have walked your pet." Book says with a bow.

"Oh, Serenity, come here." Wash smacks his knee.

The small, baby triceratops runs over to pant at Wash's knee.

"Good girl." Wash pets his dinosaur for a few moments before gesturing for Book to take him away.

"Master Wash." A soft, silky feminine voice purrs.

"Lady Inara." Wash smiles and gestures for her to move closer. He openly admires her fur bikini, her breasts spilling out the top and her legs bare.

Inara bows at his feet, presenting her hand to him.

Wash kisses her hand and then with a smirk, pulls her onto his lap. "How are you today, Inara?"

"Well." Inara purrs, biting her lip to keep from shimmying on his lap. "We have some new additions to your harem. They were taken from a connecting village. Would you like to see them?"

"Hmm." Wash cups Inara's bountiful breasts and squeezes.

Inara moans, wanting more than anything to be the one to pleasure her master. But she knows if she doesn't let him know he has new choices, the punishment will be severe. It took her years to get into the position as the first lady and she won't jeopardize that.

"Let me see them." Wash orders.

Inara waves to Monty, who is guarding the entrance of Master Wash's private room.

Wash, his hands still massaging Inara's breasts, watches as the new girls file in. First comes a redhead with large breasts but one look at her and he knows he'll have to watch himself completely when she's around. He dismisses her with a wave. A few large breasted blondes file in next and he also waves them away, his harem filled with many blondes. A short, curvy brunette with a sunny smiles comes next and he nods for her to stay. Following her is another brunette, one who is small and skinny, her body nice and lithe looking in the fur bikini she's wearing. He nods at her. Then she walks in. His hands drop off Inara's breast and his mouth drops open.

She is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Long, dark, curly hair brushes her smooth, bare back. Unlike his other women, she's wearing a leather skirt that barely covers her perfect ass and a small leather bikini top that cups her perfect breasts. Her skin is a perfect brown, smooth and luscious looking.

Inara glances back at Wash and sighs; she knows when she's beaten. "I will take the other girls back and make sure they learn what is expected of them."

Wash nods.

Inara move off Wash's lap and gracefully walks to the other woman. "River and Kaylee, you two will come with me and learn what is expected of you.; Zoe, you will stay."

Zoe arches an eyebrow but doesn't argue.

The room quickly clears out leaving Wash alone with his new conquest. "Zoe, was it?"

"Yes." Zoe glares at her new master.

"Come closer." Wash orders, smiling to himself when he sees that she wants to fight his order. She doesn't though; she knows better.

Zoe moves into the position Inara was previously in, biting her lip and clenching her fists to keep from hitting him. It goes against everything she believes but she knows she must.

"You will sleep in my bed until I say otherwise." Wash runs his hands up her endless, smooth legs.

She has to bite her lip to keep from moaning; she never knew a man's touch could bring such pleasure.

"Turn your head." Wash orders.

Zoe does as ordered, her legs spreading slightly as his hand creeps further up her thighs. "I don't like the mustache."

Wash thinks about it for a moment. "And if I shave it off, what will you do for me?"

Zoe's mouth opens to tell him to go to hell right as his fingers brush against the front of her loins. A low, pleasure-filled moan leaves her mouth instead. Her head drops back to lean against his shoulder as his fingers work her body in ways she didn't imagine it could be worked.

Wash pumps two fingers in and out of her warm, wet cunt while his other hand slides down her body to cup one of her perfect breasts. He rolls the hard nipple, his body hardening more under hers as she moans and writhes against him.

"Wash." "Wash." "Gorram it, Wash, you're supposed to be watchin' the gorram ship not snoozin'."

Wash slowly opens his eyes and instead of finding his beautiful wife, he finds his boss. He falls out of the chair he's sitting on in shock. "Mal?"

"Of course it's Mal, who the hell else would it be." Mal glares down at his pilot. "Get your pigu up there and get us off this planet; we got a job waitin' and no time to be wastin'. Then get on down to the mess; Book got us some fresh vegetables again and Jayne'll eat everything if'n you don't hurry up."

Wash obeys, shaking his head to try and get his dream out of it. But it's not easy. In fact, when he sees Inara in the mess twenty minutes later, his gaze automatically goes to her breasts. He looks away before anyone notices and walks over to his wife. "Hi, wifey."

"Hi, husband." A small smile adorns her face. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Um, sure." Wash sits down and takes the plate Simon passes him.

The meal progresses, food being passes and jokes being told. Wash stays quiet the entire time, cursing the late night porno he caught last night on the cortex.

"It's impossible." River comments, symmetrically cutting her tomato in half and then in the halves in halves.

"What is, mei-mei?" Simon asks.

"The first recorded methods of tanning wasn't until the 25th B.C." River pushes the pieces of tomato around on her plate before putting one in her mouth.

"Tannin'?" Jayne forks a piece of River's tomato off her plate and onto his, ignoring the glare she sends him. "You talkin' bout makin' leather?"

"Yes." River looks over at him. "That was mine."

"You ain't gonna eat all that and everyone knows it." Jayne says between chews.

River glares at him.

"Mei-mei, what's impossible?" Simon asks again.

"The first recorded methods of tanning wasn't until the 25th B.C." River repeats.

"Yeah, you done said that." Mal rolls his eyes. "Still don't explain what you mean."

River looks around Jayne to Wash. "Cave people wouldn't have worn leather."

Wash chokes on the food in his mouth, his eyes widening to the point where they look like they'll pop out. "I..you..kno…"

"Don't worry." River takes one more bite of her food and then pushes her plate towards Jayne. "Your secret's safe with me."

Zoe watches the genius leave the room and then turns back to look at her husband. "What secret?"

Wash shoves a roll into his mouth.


I don't know if cave people would have worn leather or not but I'm pretending like they didn't for this story.

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