(no subject)

Mar 13, 2009 12:50

[Edit! My appologies for the broken HTML, I usually double check when it's something I've coded myself, but apparently CDJapan send me shoddy code to link over to their L'arc sale. Many appologies for the spam.]

Today I've stumbled into some useful words about costuming and construction that I want to throw into a list for myself. Also.... people in Japan: Is Tokyu Hands some sort of craft store? I thought it was more furniture and clothing... but people are buying all kinds of raw materials for cosplay there.
The site I'm puling these from is this armor tutorial.

Items and Supplies
素材 (そざい) - raw materials, supplies
ストレッチ生地 - stretch material/fabric
生地 (きじ) - fabric
ライオンボード - Lion-Board? (This all started with me trying to figure out what it was... I think it's similar to craft foam.)
ラテックス - latex (as in paint or other coatings I think)
反射材 - reflective-type material (I'm thinking reflector tape. An excellent thought for a costume that's supposed to appear to have 'lights' in photos.)
ペンキ - paint (no, I don't know why)
塗装 - coating (of one material with another - like paint)
接着剤 - adhesive (whooo kanji compound)
ハトメ - EYELET (My favorite fasteners <3 )
紐 (ひも) - string/cording of all types.
型紙 (かたかみ) - pattern paper (aka - that stuff I use muslin instead of.)
マジック - magic marker, felt tip pen, sharpie?
カッターナイフ - Cutter knife (box cutter, exacto knife, razor scraper... that sort)
スチロールカッター - Styro-cutter (apparently constructed with a wire. I'm guessing it's like a clay cutting wire.)
セロテープ - any clear tape - good to know if talking about any kind of crafting
アルミテープ - Aluminum Tape (for kitchen-use?) (She says the corners are dangerous, but it sounds rather useful.)

曲面 (きょくめん) - Curved surface (as in armor)
無印良品 (むじるしりょうひん) - an item of superior quality with no particular brandname (kinda like my sewing machine.)

加工 (かこう) - constuction. Of armor and other such items.
削る (けずる) - to shave/carve in order to shape something... styrofoam for example.
写す (うつす) - to transfer/copy over, as a pattern or sketch to material.
面取り - rounding edges/beveling (she was doing it with scissors on foam, but I knew exactly what she meant).

On an unrelated note: ladyofthegate has been getting into L'arc-en-ciel lately, so she might want to see this.

music, 日本語で, costumes

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