I was going to be whiny

Nov 09, 2007 00:10

But I did that yesterday. And today I came home to shiny things, so it's time for new happiness. Behold my new icon. *snerks*
1) forgyoza owns my /soul/. I loves her/them/it.
2) Nao-kun is the bestest music. Always and forever. I still love you, Arashi.
3) It is the greatest tragedy in my life that though I have caps of both Kite's groin /and/ his behind, and can't put them together in a single icon. Tragedy. I tell you. I already iconed the first one that inspired me.

Not sure how I feel about the Myu costumes for Higa. They're not the sort of material I would have liked to use... or even the type that I /will/ use. Just... yeah.
Poor lonely Saeki. He reminded me that I was supposed to make Kisarazu-twins costumes. Anyway.

Tomorrow is for chatting and picspams and recovering my sanity before saturday. ;_;

work, prince of tennis, icons, links, costumes

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