There will be a rant about the Rikkai Second soundtrack here soon. I love it. I love it lots.
RikkaiMyu Second - Soundtrack Rambling
First Note: I almost /never/ like music the first time I listen to it. This is why I usually try to give Myu soundtracks a few listens before I see the Myu. I makes me like it better.
Second Note: I have a thing for the past. I have strong associations to music. When the 2-dai-me sang Shodai songs in DL2, I nearly cried.
So, this soundtrack....
I liked this soundtrack from the get-go. I /love/ that they let Rikkai have the intro song, with Seigaku getting a response, but not a 'Yay, we Rock' song. It made me feel, in a way that the Anime /never/ did, that Seigaku /was/ affected by Rikkai. They /LOST/, and they lost badly, and it stung. It hurt them all, and it drove them in the same way. For the first time, I understood why they deserved to win. That felt pretty nice.
I'm /really/ looking forward to seeing it.
I think a lot of the S3 match will be in moments and dialogue for me. But I did like the songs.
Fuji. Akaya. I'm straining to use my words and not keyboard smash right now.
The songs are /perfect/. They made me feel Akaya's anger and frustration (Genki's angry screaming helped), made me really /get/ Fuji's passion (again mostly a first for me)... and Fuji's slight confusion in the end - wondering where his limits /are/. Both of them have become more talented singers and I'm very happy about it.
The Yukimura/Sanada duet very nearly made me cry. Yagami's voice was better and /just/ right for this scene. The imagery of them both moving into a challenge, alone but together. I /love/ it. I only hope they do the song justice on stage.
And then... the match. The one I didn't think I liked. Sanada's challenge to Ryoma... and then... then there was Tezuka. There was Flashback. I was in the back room at work when listening to this song. The rhythm of the train behind their match at the clay-courts has always been a thing for me. I don't know why, it just resonates with me. So when that started, I knew instantly that we were in flashback... and I was bittersweetly pleased to be hearing a new song with more explication, to be hearing Minami's (admittedly improved) voice.... and then halfway through, they went into 'Omae wa Seigaku no Hashira ni Nare' and my knees /literally/ gave out on me. I was leaning heavily against a cart of fleece, my eyes were tearing and I could /not/ focus on outside stimuli until it was over.
I actually turned off my iPod and just paused for a long moment, which is not something I usually do at work.In my defense, I was having a rough day anyway... but... um... yeah. The song? It worked.
The rest of the myu is mostly lost in the night for me because I only got to listen to the songs in bits. I am deeply amused at Kite's song. (I say his because... well... Hitman and all.) Though his voice is a bit higher than I would like.
I'm sure I'll remember more to say about it later, but at the very least I am very excited to see it on stage.
But... this post... this post is because... remember when I posted
I win?
I..... I /did/.
>.> <.< o.o O.O
Oh my.
*scampers off to pre-reg*
Anyone else going to Fanime in 2008?