Links for Apocripha Cosplay...
Cute and Fluffy-
More similar, with a Platina!-
Alex, Lhodo, Jade-
Official Profile Image-
Nice costume (attached to a nice cosplay site)-
They did the collar in this one-
Jade and Platina... Lovely Other note on the same topic... Jade/Saphirus... WHY? Brothers! Really now!
Angelique Links:
Cute photos from NeoRoma5 in Yokohama-
Lots of NeoRoma event Reports (JPN)
The Yaoi Selector: Which Uke are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Have I done that before...?
It is now 3 AM. I don't think I'm very likely to get to sleep any time soon. My brain keeps racing. So, here's to pulling all-nighters. I wish I had my sewing room.
The upshot? I get to talk to a couple people who I haven't seen online in ages. Mostly Craig. ^_^
Current Bishounen: Jade Davis (not least because Morikawa Toshiyuki is Teh SMEX)