(no subject)

Feb 01, 2018 18:38

Sometimes, people leave comments on my fic, and sometimes those comments are secretly inspirational. So thanks to a) to whomever said, “I only ever read H/D/H fics where Harry and Hermione are together first, I haven’t seen the other pairings much!” and b) to the person who resulted in me commenting, “This isn’t the fic where they get together through casual threesomes!” This fic is also c) owes things to all the people who were like, “Ooh, hot sex!” at all the fade-to-black scenes in Vendetta. (I was initially like, “Sex? Where? What are you people talking about?”) So, you know, I pretty much combined all these ideas and went, “Here, hold my beer.”

Ways this is like Vendetta: there is literally only dialogue and actions. You have been warned.

Ways this is not like Vendetta: you should also be warned that I decided to write something where everyone was a functional adult. This fic is very lacking in drama and angst. It is not, however, lacking in sex. There is a lot of sex.

Voussoir, Harry/Draco/Hermione, NC-17, 13,000 words.

“So,” Draco said. “Are you coming over?”

He was leaning against the bar, watching Harry across the room.

“I don’t know,” Hermione said. “Are you asking?”

This entry was originally posted at https://setissma.dreamwidth.org/838388.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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