(no subject)

Jan 02, 2018 00:28

Happy New Year! I’m starting 2018 by meeting all your needs on the “pretending to be married while undercover Aurors” fic front. What can I say? I like cliches.

PS. In the Word document of fic ideas, this one was, “Hermione likes sex! SECRET AGENT SPIES!!! Beach! What the hell do wizards go long term undercover for???” I feel like this might still be a decent summary.

PPS. This fic has a fox animagus (GUESS WHO) but literally zero fox puns. None. Zip. Zilch. Do you know how much restraint that took, people? I deserve a commendation.

Dépaysement, Hermione/Draco, NC-17, 35500 words.

“We’re actually banking on the media attention,” Harry said, mildly. “I don’t want you going as someone else.”

“She’s going to have to go with someone else,” Malfoy said. “End of story.”

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