(no subject)

Sep 06, 2008 10:17

I've been thinking a lot lately about writing and how I approach it, and I sort of wanted to discuss it a little here because I know people must wonder. The short version is, in no way have I stopped loving SPN or wanting to write in it, and there will definitely be more in the future. On the other hand, yeah, I know, I haven't really written a lot in the past six to eight months. (A huge part of that is that instead of writing ten, three thousand word stories, I'm working on one that's 30 to 40K, maybe longer, and so there is stuff being written, you just can't see it right now.)

Part of that is that I really hate pushing myself to write when I don't want to, because this isn't a job or an assignment, it's something that's meant to be fun, you know? And making myself is a surefire way to burn out on something that I really, really love. I'm the kind of writer who can do 20K in a week when inspiration strikes, but there's a reason I don't do challenges; I don't work well when forced, whether by myself or by deadlines. Sometimes that means I go a month without writing. But another huge part of that is that I lead an incredibly busy life. I'm a college student. I have classes and labs and obligations. And I work part time, which doesn't help, and I have a social life that requires attention and time. By the end of the day, I'm really often too tired to want to work at something.

But the thing is, yeah, I do love this. I love Sam and Dean and Jared and Jensen and all the ridiculous things in between, and I'm going to try harder this year than I did last year to actually get things written even when life is really busy. (Admittedly, you may not see a lot of that to begin with, because working on things means working on the Bones fic, but I'm getting there.) This post is mostly just to say, I'm aware that things have been a little slow lately, but I'm getting there.

Have a good weekend, guys!
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