(no subject)

Sep 06, 2008 12:34

So because I am a quirky writer, I'm putting up something set past the end of a story without having actually published the story itself. This is post-Bones!J2, but it doesn't really contain any spoilers, unless you thought that I'd fling Jared off a building in the last five pages and there wouldn't be a happy ending. Consider it an outtake that reaches levels of cuteness that the fic itself probably doesn't hit. It's a little different - different tense, Jared's a little more badass in the main work, but whatever, it's the same verse. sazzlette has had kind of a rough week, and I figured snuggly J2 was totally the way to rectify that, so this is for her. <3. Oh, uh, and Max is Jensen's puppy. It's short for Maxilla. (Shut up.)

Untitled epilogue-type thing, J2, PG-13, 1100 words. Featuring Jared getting home from the airport! And a couch.

Jared had officially reached a point in the evening where O’Hare could go fuck itself. Dulles had been more than happy to let him through security with the damn handgun, but while checking in with a gun, flying with a gun, and walking through the terminal with a gun weren’t problems, claiming a bag with a gun was obviously an enormous breech of security, and Jared had spent the last forty-five minutes watching his duffle make its way around the conveyer belt repeatedly. Airport security had made approximately thirty phone calls to verify his identity and to ensure that he wasn’t planning on firing wildly at anyone’s luggage or strollers, and Jared could see them arguing in someone’s office; at this point, he was pretty sure that they might just be fucking with him.

Someone finally decided to end the torture - on his bag’s thirty-fifth circuit - and let him call a taxi on the condition that he leave the damn Beretta for inspection by the federal air marshals. The Altima was still in long term parking, but Jared figured that being two hours late without calling was a hell of a lot better than being three hours late without calling - his cell battery had died ten minutes after landing - and the car was less important than the fact that he hadn’t been home in two fucking weeks.

It was only a five minute ride from the airport, about the only convenient thing about the house, and Jared didn’t even bother to pull his bags in off the porch, just unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer. He barely managed to avoid being knocked over by Harley and Max, both of whom went skidding down the hall at top speed toward him.

The lights were out, but he could hear the TV on, low. He gave it a minute, letting the dogs step all over his feet, but Jensen didn’t appear, which either meant that he was still in the city on a case, or that he was asleep.

Jared wasn’t exactly surprised to find Jensen curled up in a corner of the couch, Sadie asleep next to him; Jensen had a stupid tendency toward working long hours when Jared was out of town, and it was pretty damn late. He pushed Sadie out of the way, leaning in so he could fit against Jensen’s side, and watched the last ten minutes of a National Geographic special, waiting for Jensen to actually wake up.

“Hey,” Jared said, finally, sliding a hand underneath Jensen’s sweatshirt to settle his palm against Jensen’s stomach.

“Mm,” Jensen protested, not really waking up, and Jared had to bite back a laugh.

“No way I’m letting you stay asleep,” Jared murmured, shifting so he could kiss Jensen’s shoulder, and Jensen made another noise and rolled over, finally opening his eyes.

Jared caught the moment when Jensen noticed and the sleepy irritation disappeared.

“Hi,” he said.

“Way to fall asleep on me, jackass,” Jared said, grinning.

“Way to be three hours late without calling,” Jensen said.

“I may have pissed off airport security again,” Jared admitted.

“Maybe if you didn’t have that record of smuggling human remains,” Jensen said, laughing.

“That was your fault,” Jared protested, and started to laugh when Jensen shoved at the arm Jared was using to prop himself up, leaving Jared sprawled out on top of him.

“Welcome home,” Jensen said, and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

Jared didn’t rush it, just let Jensen take it deep, and he was distracted enough by Jensen licking into his mouth that it took him a minute to realize that something was off.

“Jesus, you taste like robitussin,” Jared said, pulling back to make a face, and Jensen hit him on the shoulder.

“Jeff infected me while he was still asymptomatic,” Jensen said. “I couldn’t practice preventative measures since I didn’t know he was sick. Asshole.”

“You know, when I said the science talk was hot, I kind of meant bones, not bacteria,” Jared said, grinning.

“Viruses,” Jensen corrected, stretching out a little, and Jared realized that he felt more than a little warm.

“Hey,” he murmured, leaning in to nudge his nose against Jensen’s jaw, concerned. “You want to go to bed?”

“I haven’t gotten laid in two weeks,” Jensen said, laughing, and pushed up at Jared’s shoulder. “Go shower, I’ll let the dogs out and wait for you.”

“You better,” Jared said, grinning, and managed to pull himself away from Jensen for long enough to climb the stairs and let himself into the bathroom.

Jared didn’t bother not to hurry - he left his clothes on the floor and barely made sure the water was hot enough to get rid of the tension between his shoulders from the window seat - but Jensen still beat him into their bedroom.

“Get over here,” Jensen murmured, grinning, and Jared was way more than happy to comply.

“Missed you,” he managed, between kisses, stretched out on top of Jensen, and Jensen made a soft noise into his mouth and pulled him closer. Jared shifted to bite at the curve of Jensen’s shoulder, stroking his hands down Jensen’s back, and slid down.

He nuzzled Jensen’s stomach, pressing slow, open-mouthed kisses along the line of his hip, and Jared figured that it was good that he was so damn relaxed until he ran a hand up the inside of Jensen’s thigh and Jensen didn’t react.

“Hey,” Jared said, trying not to laugh, and moved back up to press his face against Jensen’s neck, rubbing a hand up and down his side. “Come on, wake up.”

“Mm,” Jensen said, then jumped. “Fuck, sorry,” he said, and Jared gave up and laughed when his face went red.

“You’re lucky you can blame the drugs,” Jared said, and Jensen groaned and hit him again.

“Sorry,” he said again, still flushed, and Jared gave up on laughing and settled in against his side.

“Relax,” he said, grinning. “We’ll sleep in tomorrow and then you can spend the afternoon making it up to me.”

“Jackass,” Jensen said, and rolled over to stretch out on his stomach, reaching to wrap his fingers around Jared’s wrist. “I missed you too.”

“Get some sleep,” Jared murmured, shifting just enough to curl a hand around Jensen’s shoulder, and eased in against Jensen’s back.

“Night,” Jensen murmured, already falling asleep again, and Jared settled closer, stretching out.

“Night,” he said, and pulled the blankets up, staying close.

fiction, spn, bones!j2, j2, supernatural

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