A new week!

Mar 11, 2012 23:54

My poor baby laptop was having some problems today. :c I kept trying to start it up and it kept freezing at the startup screen where it says "please wait..."
So I turned it off for a few hours and now she magically works again. Okay.
(My laptop's name is Priya, btw. Yes, I named my laptop. Anyone know where the name is from?)

In other news, I'm planning on going to school every day this week. Which may not sound like an accomplishment, but for me it is, haha. Wish me luck!

Also, finally completed showing Firefly and Serenity as of tonight to my brother's good friend who is currently living with us. He loved it! Ah, the end of Serenity has so many inspiring quotes...

River: "Storm's getting worse."
Mal: "We'll pass through it soon enough."

-sniff- Such a simple line, but makes me tear up every time.

Mal: "You think she'll hold together?"
Zoe: "She's torn up plenty, but she'll fly true."

My dear cousin and best friend posted that quote on my facebook wall when I was having a particularly bad time a few months ago. ♥

Also, I searched "River Tam Badass" in google and the very image I wanted was first. :D

computer troubles, school, firefly, priya laptop

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