First things first, I just had to say that
bradspyjamas (whose name I always read as Brad Spy Jamas for some reason xD) is an amazing person and a true hero for sticking up for someone she didn't even know. ♥ Seriously I am in awe.
In other news, good news about my possible job at Barnes & Noble! I called up the store today since it's been almost two weeks since my interview, and the assistant manager who'd interviewed me talked with me. He said they filled the job in the cafe that they had with someone who had more experience, but that he really liked me and thought we'd had a great interview, so he's asking the manager if I can be hired as a book seller! Eee, so excited!! It'll be my first job if I get it, and my hopefully-future boss already likes me. So I'm happy about that. :D
Also I am addicted to the Chinese Pork Buns they sell at Trader Joe's. SO GOOD!