Just a day late...

Oct 01, 2010 17:15

I really did start P90X yesterday, but I had delaying doing it so long that afterwards, I immediately had to shower, dress and head out for my evening plans which ran right into my later-evening plans, which left me no time for posting.

Yes, I'm still needing alone time. I'm pretty sure that I mentioned that I suck at that. I love people and I live next door to Angry Woman and Screeching Child so I really need TV/music noise to act as a sound barrier.

I have limits though. I have one thing for Tuesday, awaiting word from the BFFs to see them but aside from that, I'm planless. The alone will really happen.

I procrastinated yesterday mostly out of fear, partly out of reading a trashy romance novel. The fear was about if I'd be able to hack it or not. If my coworker, who is a 8+ mile daily runner, couldn't do it, what makes me think that I could???

Guess what? My fears and little voices that love to keep me down ... they are always wrong. I really need to remember that. My fears are never right.

P90X is the answer I've been looking for. It kicks my ass while repeating constantly, "do your best, forget the rest." Chest & back + ab-ripperX yesterday, today was Plyometrix, which is claimed to be the hardest of the P90X workouts. This one made me nervous. Based on the graphic answer my coworker gave me as what marked it as "too hard" for her, tomorrow could reallllly suck for me. It does a lot of squat work, which is killer on both knees and quads. Do you remember my pole-dancing class? My quads still do! So yeah, while I did make a few modifications for Chest & Back, I totally held back a great deal in Plyo.

Part of that is that I don't live on the bottom floor of my condo. So all the jumping? Well, either I modified with skipping or instead of hitting my knees on my waist-high hands, I just practiced jumping with soft landings. Landing softly when you jump serves two purposes - it requires more control so it makes for a better workout and it doesn't make your downstairs neighbors think an elephant lives above them!

Also, what I need to remember about my coworker is her lack of stretching and grand dislike of water. So with hydration and some extra stretching tonight, tomorrow should be fine. I'm pretty stoked about tomorrow's workout.

At the same time, I also am going to sign up for the 30 Days of Yoga - Karma Edition. Usually $100, the Karma edition is pay-what-you-will. More daily yoga + P90X. Doing too much? I think not. As stated to my coworker, I know my limits, I will work to them, I will not work beyond them.

Plus, have I mentioned that I needed a good ass-kicking workout lately? Because, yeah, I do.

Things that make me happy:
- Exercise in general
- Great workouts that I can feel
- The benefits I get from doing yoga
- Good karma
- Doing what I've been told that I can't. -- As Disney said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible!" :)

As I reread this little list, I am reminded of the words of my mother/the visual I have of myself in my head. I am really not a solitary bookworm, spending all my time curled up on my couch.

I'm pretty out-going, love to be with my friends and family, and oh, right, I'm totally an athlete at heart. As our thoughts become our words and actions and thus, what we think becomes what we do, I need to include "I'm a mothertrucking athlete!" I hate forgetting the things I love about myself. Got to do better with that!

p90x, i am an athlete, yoga, things that make me happy, quotes

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