smashbox of everything.

Nov 04, 2010 13:15

So hi internet-at-large, yes, it's been awhile.

Here are a few things. First, if you're against the raping of women, you're against the raping of men. If you're against rape, you are against all kinds of rape - date rape, intimate partner rape, stranger rape, prison rape. These are all shades of grey in the black and white of whether or not you believe a person's body is their own private body that they alone get to decide what to do with it. Prison rape isn't a joke, it's a damn shame.

Ditto abortion. Either they are all legal, or they are all illegal. Again, a woman's body is her own private body that she alone decides what to do with it.

The government disturbs me. The elections ... I am still thinking on them. I am undecided on taxes but I want the federal government to regulate healthcare, I want abortion to be irrevokably legal on a federal level, I want the Bill of Rights to be the strongest part of our government. (I kinda want anyone who isn't schooled on the Bill of Rights and all they contain to be banned from seeking public office.) I want domestic violence to be a federal offense as I do not think there is a bigger obstacle to the pursuit of happiness (ok, so that's in the Declaration instead of the Constitution, it's still important). I want prostitution and drugs to be legal, prostitution more than drugs because drug dealers don't hide behind my profession the way whores do.

I've decided that Thursdays are for taking care of my house. Because my week needs more structure. Today is all chores, calls, errands, along with the daily exercise and occasional meetings at my favorite store.

I've also decided that I need cats. Because it was just October 5 minutes ago and it's getting chilly and I miss waking up to fur under my feet because the cats decided it was warmer under the blankets than over them. So since I've been advised that I am not getting my former cats back, I've been praying to my Goddesses to bring me the right cats for me and my odd schedule. Oddly enough, every goddess I've ever been drawn to, has always had something to do with cats. Hmm! But yes, ideally, these would be independent cats who will be happy to use me for my body heat through the night, who are more mature than not, uninterested in knocking over my altars, and perhaps toilet-trained, or at least open to the concept (What? You should know by now that I aim high and who likes cleaning litterboxes? Not this girl.).

I spend most days daydreaming about remodeling my bathroom or kitchen. Can't decide between the two.

With exercise, I was reading a post in my Reader that gave the advice of when you're up against a wall, step out of yourself and give yourself the advice you'd give a friend in the same situation. While I love P90X and do like yoga truly (I swear), it is hard to get it some days. October is when I had a small string of things happen with my car, I spent a few days with my nieces when their brother was being born and many stories summed up, I've found it easy to find ways to put off my workouts and as you know, once you put one off, the rest are easy to follow.

So what I'd tell a friend, what I know that I need is someone to check in with me daily, torch my excuses and do the (light) arm-twisting needed to get me to push "play" and pull out the yoga mat. Just this morning I had yet another epiphany of yet another connection between sex and exercise - the less I exercise, the less interest I have in sex. The more exercise I do, the more interest I have in it. My sex drive is already ... um, "healthy." So with not being in a relationship, that I have more sex drive when I exercise, it's almost a demotivator. :P Anyway, I did email a personal trainer that I found on my usual dating website to see if he'd be up for trading 5 minutes of texts or a call every day for a couple massages a month. I think it's an easy deal.

Oh, dating. Well, I did follow some of my sister's advice and dated outside of my box. Yes, yes, short dudes for the win. Sort of. I really liked the two I was out with. Definitely had a good time. However, the best part of the good-date-gone-horrifically-wrong back in the winter was when he was telling me how I have to be careful to not run people over. I am kind of intense. And these dudes, yeah, I'd eventually run them over and that would be no fun for anyone. I remain tired of bullshit but I've missed meeting new people. So I am sort of still dating, but kind of not.

At the moment, I'm gearing up for bonding time with my favorite man, Tony Horton. Will P90X Week 4 hurt me? Probably not but we'll find out soon! ;)

p90x, dating, politics, yoga, advice to self, political

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