Body talk.

Sep 11, 2010 16:09

So I hit a new low on the scale today. And by "new," I mean "hasn't been seen since at least March." I could probably find a more accurate date but my app for that is crashing like woah and I am not that patient today.

And then I went to my ex's house to use his treadmill. I was there 2 days as well for the same reason. Thursday, I wasn't sure what my plan was when I got on the treadmill. I just wanted to be there. What happened:
42:30 total time
12 1" 5mph intervals alternated with 12 2" 3mph intervals
2.5mi, one of which I ran the whole way! :D

41:30 total time (warmed up for 3.5 min instead of 4.5)
1.25" 5mph intervals alternated with 1.75" 3mph intervals
2.58mi, ran at least half the distance! :D

I will again text him crazy late on Sunday night so that he remembers to leave the door unlocked when he goes to work on Monday so I can go workout before I go to work.

It's not couch-to-5k protocol, this is more listening to my body protocol. The first interval today was actually 90 seconds but the last 15 of that sucked. I did one interval at 5.2 instead of 5, but the rest of the time 5 was fine.

I think Monday I am going to try for 80 second 5mph intervals and do that again next Thursday. Aim for 90 for all of them next Saturday.

I know, I know, I just said that yoga was my lifeline for September exercise. I am still aiming to do yoga every day. And 2.5 miles 3 times a week isn't going to add up to 15. It's kind of like this:

I am throwing everything at a wall to see what sticks. I have 100 pushups/squats/situps challenge apps on my phone as well.

More than anything, I feel the need to get back into shape. I love my sweet curves, I hate my stiffness, inflexibility, lack of coordination/balance and cardio-vascular rates. My new low today means I am only 14 pounds from my happy weight of 2009.

When I've run this week, thank goddesses for my awesome sports bras, the only things that jiggle are the bits that I don't like about my body, where fat has covered atrophied muscles. I am happy to run until those bits jiggle themselves right off my body.

The weight I've gained in the past year just increasingly feels like a cage from which I cannot escape, it holds me back from the things I used to be able to do. So more and more, I want to break free.

Said ex I had to speak to a few weeks ago and from there, we are trying out a friendship again and it's no skin off his back to let me pop over when he's at work or messing around with his computers and use his treadmill (and love on his cats for a few minutes ;)). Amazingly, he's actually gotten into fitness and looking into nutrition during our last period of silence so it's fantasticness to finally be able to talk to him about things like the rationale behind interval training and muscle confusion. Because yes, of course, like so many of my clients, and one persistent boyo who I never technically dated, he's decided to start P90X.

And like 3 days after he tells me this, I am up late once again and find myself watching a P90X infomercial and being really tempted to buy it. So while the treadmill thing is pretty easy, I'm trying to convince my ex to let me use his P90X DVDs in exchange for me cooking a proper P90X dinner for him once a week (because this way, I'll at least get one P90X approved meal a week and I need to practice/figure out cooking anyways). With my weird work week, I don't think I'll be following any set nutrition plan that it has and with my grip issues, I won't be attempting pull-ups, so I may not lose the kajillion pounds that everyone in the testimonials has but really, I'll be happy to get to my happy weight and then about 20 below that.

Oh, the other part of this post (I am in a hurry so my wicked smooth segue is out the window), is that while yoga and the treadmill are awesome for my body, diet soda is really not. I'm pretty sure my body hates it. So I am trying to figure out caffeine pills and if they would be a better alternative. Coffee is not my thing, but caffeine does help with my allergies and ADHD both so I need a way to get it into my system. Too bad soda doesn't list how much caffeine it contains! :P

Last thing, when I was on the treadmill on Thursday, even when the intervals got hard, even when I was breathing hard, my body mostly felt relieved to be there. What I didn't twitter during my workout that day: Dear treadmill, I love you forever, let's never ever breakup again, ok? I'll do whatever you want. <3, liss.

So not kidding. My body is so happy to be working out again.

son of cups, caffeine, body

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