
Dec 26, 2007 15:53

Well, Christmas is over with and it seems I've caught the blues...Usually, this happens beforehand in most cases. But, as usual I've got to be difficult and do everything backwards.

I'm missing Daniel. To be expected, I guess. I see new mothers around town and I think, that could have been me last week. Not exactly a new mother but, still...Holding a newborn is an experience that comes around only once in a while, and lasts for a shorter time there after.

Recently I went to the ER with some severe abdominal pain. Turns out it may be connected to my thyroid. Stupid gall bladder was acting up. And even though all my blood work back normal I have to get a scope down my throat after the new year.

Yes, this has something to do with missing Daniel. If hadn't died, I would have never found out my thyroid isn't working and I could have died from heart failure. And while he died to save my life, I still miss him terribly. I'd be a cold hearted bitch if I didn't.

The reason I went so crazy with Dylan's gifts this year was for two reasons. 1- Cause all year I couldn't get him playthings. He only got a very few things for his birthday, and then nothing until yesterday. 2- I figured it would make me forget that I was only buying for one. It did for a little while. But now, I'm starting to feel it. Stupid holiday blues... >.> Why can't they leave me alone?


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