The big night arrives!

Mar 22, 2006 12:23

Well, all, this is it. This is what I have been waiting 9 months for. The birth of my son. I know I've beem saying to all my friends that the big day is on March 24th, but I haven't dialated at all this last month so what is happening is I'm going for an induction. What that means is the Dr. is going to induce labor and I go in tonight to the hospital. And sometime tomorrow ( or even the next day depending on how long things take ) I should be in labor...

And I can tell you now...I'M NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE PAIN! I hate pain. But I was re-assured that I'd be getting pain meds by the nurses until the epidural. Which I am definitely getting! No way in hell I'm going without it. My back hurts enough as it is. I don't need natural birth making it feel even worse than it has these last two months and most especially this month.

But I know it'll all be worth it when I'm holding my baby in my arms finally. Then life will get even more interesting that's for sure.

Today I can take it easy. But once the reckoning hour arrives ( which is between 7-8 PM CST ), I'll be nervous all over again. I wish my brother and his fiance can come down. I mean this is his first nephew and all, but I understand why he probably can't. He lives in Knoxville and it's a long drive down here. Well, my dad will be tapping as much as he is allowed to so he'll have that to look at when they can come down.

Well, I'm going to go now. I'm going to get the cream cheese out of the fridge and let it soften, and maybe do a little laundry if the machine is ever available again..heh heh... But mainly I'm going to take it easy. Later on I'll shower and then get a sit down bath to sooth muscles and just generally relax before I have to leave tonight. Cause tomorrow...Its going to be crazy!!


Make sure to check back here in my Lj for baby pics of the smallest anime fan ever! ^_^

birth, babies, pregnancy

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