Missed my 10-year LJversary!

Jan 16, 2017 00:08

OMG, major fail!!!

My 10-year LJversary was on December 28th. And it completely passed me by!

While posting about a new Appreciation Fest over at serpentinelion, I was looking back to see where I first posted (hd-boardgame and dracoharry100) and realised that I've been on LJ since December 2006 - ten years ago.

Holy crap! How has it been TEN YEARS already?

Anyway ... it's been a great ride: I've written many words of fic, participated in and moderated many communities and fests and met some amazing people over the past decade. I've also been to Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco and Las Vegas - places I might never have gone if it hadn't been for HP cons with my LJ friends. ♥ Much love to all! ♥

I look forward to the next ten years. :)

lj, flist love

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