Christmas 2016 Fic: Reset (H/D, rated R) - Part 16

Jan 06, 2017 14:14

Happy New Year! I've finished my Christmas story now, and below is the final part - hope you enjoy. :)

Title: Reset - Part 16
Author: sesheta_66
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R overall
Word Count: ~30K overall
Summary: Forgetting the past isn't always possible or practical. Dwelling on it isn't constructive. Moving beyond it, into what lies ahead, can be just the thing to help us heal. And friends? Well, they make it all - past, present and future - worth living.
Author's Notes: Written for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge, prompt #11: Secret Santa with embarrassing results and #12: elf costume, and slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco and Harry, prompt #25: champagne
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

Reset - Part 16

Draco stood waiting for Harry outside Gryffindor, aiming for casual while his heart raced.

He'd taken the portkey from his dinner with Pansy and Blaise to the Manor, then stood staring at the house for several minutes before Apparating to the grounds just outside Hogwarts.

Harry had brought him to Paris - to fucking Paris! - and had left before Draco could even thank him properly. Or at all. He couldn't remember if he'd even thanked him, he'd been so shocked. He wasn't going to wait until New Year's Eve to thank him. He wasn't going to wait another day.

The three of them had enjoyed a wonderful meal and managed to catch up on quite a few things. Pansy had remained nervous throughout the meal, despite Draco's reassurances, darting her eyes around for potential Auror spies or something. Even Blaise had told her to relax: they weren't even in the UK, so she was safe. She just didn't want anyone knowing exactly where she lived now and had been very wary about picking up the portkey, despite Narcissa making the arrangements. He supposed that wasn’t completely ridiculous.

By the end of the night, she'd relaxed a bit, and they'd all promised to keep in touch. And if Draco had held onto them a little longer than strictly necessary when he'd hugged them, well no one said anything. It had just felt so great to be together with them after so long.

Draco hadn't told them about his relationship with Harry - he thought that might be a bit much for them to absorb and he didn't want to do anything to ruin their reunion. It was enough for them to wrap their heads around the fact that he and Harry were friends now. Besides, despite everything, he couldn't be sure where things were headed between them. After all, Harry had the power to get international portkeys during the holidays, without so much as having to explain whom they were for, because the Minister of Magic respected him that much. Not because of money or politics, but just because he was Harry Potter. Surely it wouldn't be long before he figured out that he could have anyone he wanted and that Draco would do nothing but bring him down.

But for now Draco stood nervously waiting for Harry, at nearly three in the bloody morning, just to say thanks. He'd managed to send two school owls - one to his mother telling her he'd be home the next day, so she wouldn't worry when she awoke to find he hadn't slept in his bed, and the other to (hopefully) wake Harry. He'd instructed the owl to give him five minutes to get to Gryffindor before flying over. And now he waited.

When the door opened, Draco smiled. "Took you long enough," he said more casually than he felt, before taking in Harry's sleep-rumpled figure. His eyes traced a path from Harry's messier-than-usual hair, over his pyjama-clad body, down to his bare feet and he forgot to breathe. This wasn't the all-powerful Harry Potter standing before him: this was Harry. His Harry.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as Draco pushed past him into the Common Room. "You're supposed to be at the Manor."

No, he was supposed to be here, with Harry. "Who's here?" Harry said something he couldn't quite process over the ringing in his ears. "Which way is your room?"

Harry pointed and Draco grabbed his wrist, dragging him up the stairs, desperate to be alone with him. "You're the only one in our year here, yeah?"

"Yes, but what -?" They stopped in front of an open door. "This is it."

Before the words were out of Harry's mouth, Draco pulled him through the door, closed it and threw up locking and sound-proofing charms, pressing Harry against the surface. Then he kissed him like he'd never kissed him before, savouring the taste and feel of Harry's tongue wrapping around his own and the sound of Harry's moan.

He slipped his hands underneath Harry's pyjama top and ran his cool fingers over Harry's warm back, delighting in the softness of his skin. Harry wrapped his own arms around Draco and drew him closer which Draco's body agreed was an absolutely brilliant idea. When Harry undid his cloak, dropping it to the ground, Draco stepped in even closer, revelling in the feel of their bodies pressed together.

He kissed a trail along Harry's jawline, to his neck, and as his heart beat furiously in his chest, he drew in a long breath, savouring the fresh scent that was Harry's alone. Fuck, he was dangerously close to losing himself in this. When Harry's head banged against the door, Draco was amazed to see that Harry was as lost in the moment as he was. He chuckled at the pleasure and absurdity of it all - Harry actually wanted to be with him - and then Harry's hips bucked forward and Draco felt just how much Harry wanted him.

He growled and ground his own erection into Harry's, rolling his hips and swallowing Harry's moan of pleasure as he brought their mouths together once more. When Harry dragged his hands down Draco's back to his arse, then pulled their groins together, it was all Draco could do not to come in his pants.

"Fuck. Want you so much."

"Mm," Harry said, reaching for Draco's wrist. "Bed." Draco, agreeing wholeheartedly with this turn of events, let Harry drag him towards his bed.

Harry hesitated, looking down at his bed. Fuck. Had Draco pushed too fast? He hadn't meant to - he'd really only gone there to say thank you, but then Harry had come to the door in his pyjamas, looking positively edible, and Draco's thought processes had been overrun by his libido. Obviously. "You okay?" he asked.

Harry turned around and shot Draco the wickedest grin before flinging him onto the bed and straddling him. "Fuck, yes." Harry's hands reached under his shirt and his fingers mapped out Draco's torso. "Never better."

Draco laughed with relief and reached up for Harry. He stared for a long time into those green eyes, thoughts bouncing around in his head. He tried to reconcile how someone like him could ever deserve to have someone like Harry in his life, never mind his bed, but there were no words. He wasn't in danger of falling for Harry - he'd already fallen for him, and it both scared and exhilarated him.

He drew Harry down for another kiss and knew he was well and truly gone.

At length, Draco broke the kiss and reversed their positions, straddling Harry and running his fingers up the length of his arms to his hands before intertwining their fingers on either side of Harry's head. As he looked down into Harry's eyes, he marvelled once more that this Harry was the same one who'd won against Voldemort, who could pop into the Minister's office for a cup of tea, and who would do absolutely anything for the people he cared about. And how had he, Draco, become one of those people?

"I can't believe you did that for me," he said, remembering the reason he'd come here to begin with.

Harry frowned, looking genuinely confused. "Did what?"

Draco laughed because really, Harry honestly didn't even realise how incredible he was. "Seriously? You went to the Minister of Magic and got multiple portkeys just so that I could see my friends at Christmas. Not to mention what you did for my mother."

"Really?" Harry lifted his hips, rubbing their erections together again and causing Draco to fall forward, their noses nearly touching. Draco watched Harry's tongue drift across his bottom lip before saying in a voice sexier than it had a right to be, "You want to talk about that now?"

Fair point. Draco captured Harry's lips with his own once more.

Harry squeezed his hands and Draco released his grip, allowing Harry access to unbutton Draco's shirt. His slow progress was accompanied by caresses after each button until, finally, all were freed and Draco flung his shirt to the floor, desperate for skin-on-skin contact.

But Harry kept his arms between them, running a finger down the scar bisecting Draco's chest. At once he saw Harry's gaze go back to another time, another place. "I did this to you," he said and Draco felt the pain in his words.

"Really?" he said, not wanting to go there. Instead, he licked a trail over Harry's lips and ground their erections together. In imitation of Harry's words a moment ago, he said, "You want to talk about that now?"

He thrust once to emphasise his point and Harry got it. He held Draco's face in his hands and shook his head. "No talking." Draco agreed and went willingly as Harry drew him in for another kiss.

He reached between them to remove Harry's shirt and, after some awkward shuffling, they both managed to shed their trousers and pants. Both of them naked, Draco slowly brought his body down to Harry's and held his breath.

"Fuck," Harry said.

Merlin. He was so close from the mere contact, he didn't know how long he could last. "Mm," Draco moaned. "Not this time. Too close."

"Next time," Harry said.

Fucking hell. Draco's eyes widened as he let that sink in. There would be a next time. And if he could help it, there would be years of next times. He turned their bodies onto their sides to face each other, smiled and kissed Harry lightly. Feeling emboldened by Harry's words, he reached down between them to take both cocks in his hand. Harry gasped and watched in wonder - and how fucking hot was that?

Draco marvelled that he was here, that he'd somehow managed to get to this place, trying to reconcile their past with this moment. He watched Harry come undone - face flushed, pupils blown, thighs beginning to shake - and he didn't think he'd ever see anything so captivating in his life. "I can't believe I'm allowed to touch you like this," he said. "I can't believe this is really happening."

Harry's hand joined his and they sped up the pace. "It's real," Harry said and kissed him.

It was all too much. The sight, the sound, the feel and the taste of Harry. He'd wanted this for so long and now he could hardly believe it was happening. Really happening. He wanted to hold onto this moment, make it last forever, but the enormity of it all meant it would be over much, much sooner. A few strokes later, he was coming all over their joined hands and before long Harry's release joined his own and their hands gradually slowed to a stop.

Draco looked for his wand but before he could locate it, Harry ran his clean hand over the bed and the sticky mess disappeared. As Draco stared, open-mouthed, at Harry - fucking hell, he'd done wandless magic! - Harry smiled and tucked some loose hair behind Draco's ear. "Stay?"

He looked so hopeful and nervous, as though he thought Draco might actually say no. As though Draco might want to be somewhere else - anywhere else - but in Harry's arms. Not being a complete idiot, Draco nodded and curled up with his back to Harry's chest, comforted by the strength of Harry's arm draped over him. He could get used to this.


Draco had left for the Manor the next morning with a promise to return for the New Year's Eve party. It had been one of the longest weeks of his life, and now that he'd returned, he could hardly get a moment alone with Harry because so many people had come back for the party.

On his way to the party room, Draco turned the corner and was met with a harsh laugh.

"Well, well, it has been a while, hasn't it?"

Draco's blood went cold. Bradley Westcott. The same idiot that had accosted him the day - it felt like a lifetime ago - when Harry had jumped in. His hand prepared to grab his wand, if necessary, but only to protect himself, much as he might like to do otherwise. He couldn't wait to have his life back.

"Potter's not here to rescue you this time." Bradley turned to his sidekick standing watch at the opposite end of the hall - not one of the ones from the last time. "Where was it that you said Potter was?" He didn't wait for a reply before turning a sickly sweet smile on Draco. "Ah, I remember: he's busy with Flitwick right now."

Much as Draco didn't like to rely on others, and hated the idea of Harry coming to his rescue yet again, his stomach plummeted at the realisation that he was on his own. He remained on probation and he wasn't about to fuck up his life for something or someone as stupid as this. Not now that his life actually seemed to be going somewhere good.

Bradley stalked forward and pushed Draco up against the wall, wand pressed against his throat. "I've had just about enough of Death Eater scum like you getting in the way of my enjoyment of school this year."

What the hell? Draco was the only former Death Eater at Hogwarts and he hadn't done a damn thing to this cretin. Biting the inside of his cheek to prevent himself provoking the idiot, Draco tried to talk sense into him. "Look, why don't we just agree to stay away from each other?" he suggested. "We've done pretty well with that so far."

Bradley laughed without humour and it brought Draco back to the days when the Carrows had wandered these halls and students had turned on one another, all in a bid to gain standing with the insane siblings. He suppressed a shudder.

"But I shouldn't have to so much as look at your stupid face anymore." His eyes sparkled and Draco knew he was in trouble. He had to do something. He surreptitiously slid his wand down his sleeve so it came to rest in his hand, preparing to throw up a shielding charm when needed. Not that it would protect him from the worst spells, but all he could do was hope Bradley wasn't particularly creative.

Bradley took a step back and twirled his wand, clearly enjoying the power he held. "Let's see how you like this." He lifted his hand and Draco heard a thud from the end of the hall, behind Bradley.

As his attacker turned to see his lookout fall to the floor, his wand flew out of his hand in the same direction.

Ron Weasley appeared - seemingly out of nowhere, emerging from beneath Harry's invisibility cloak - and caught the wand. "Alright there, Malfoy?"

Unable to stop himself, Draco smiled as relief washed over him. Recovering quickly, he calmly replied, "Weasley, I had things under control."

If the look on his face was anything to go by, Weasley didn't buy that for a minute - and really, it was a total load of rubbish - but he played along. "No doubt, but … well." He shrugged. "You know."

No, Draco didn't know, as a matter of fact. Was this a Gryffindor thing, saving people? He'd always just thought of it as a Potter thing.

Weasley turned his attention back to Bradley as he closed the distance between them. "Do you have a death wish or something?"

Bradley lifted his chin in defiance. "I'm not afraid of him," he said with disgust, motioning towards Draco who had taken the opportunity to move away from the wall and out of reach.

"Really?" Weasley said, raising a brow in disbelief. "Well, then you're even stupider than you look." He smirked at Draco. "You know that mark on his arm isn't just some fashion statement, right?"

"What of it?" he scoffed. "He can't do anything or he'll go straight to Azkaban."

Weasley stepped into Bradley's personal space - he stood several inches taller and broader than Bradley, but to his credit, Bradley didn't cower. If anything, he looked more resolved to his position.

"You're not much of a thinker, are you, Westcott?"

Bradley looked confused. Draco masked his own reaction as he tried to work out what Weasley was getting at. After all, Bradley had it right. He couldn't do anything.

"See, Draco here is a Death Eater." He glanced at Draco then back to Bradley. "Well, former Death Eater. His father's a Death Eater. Voldemort was their houseguest for about a year and he had other Death Eaters over for tea. You don't think, maybe, that he might have a few tricks up his sleeve? Maybe some protective magic on his person that won't register as a spell cast by his wand? The kind that might just rebound on you the instant you try to hex him?"

Bradley's stalwart demeanour faltered slightly. Weasley was completely full of shit, but Draco wasn't about to point that out. He was having entirely too much fun watching the play of fear, embarrassment and frustration over Bradley's face.

Weasley lifted his hands, in a gesture that suggested he was calling a halt to the current conversation. "But never mind all that business. Aside from you underestimating a former Death Eater that actually managed to not only survive the war but avoid imprisonment - seriously underestimating him - did you think for a minute, even if he didn't have his own built-in protection, that you'd get away with hurting him?"

Weasley didn't elaborate and Draco could almost smell the smoke burning as the wheels inside Bradley's head spun rapidly, trying to work out just was Weasley was getting at. He looked ready to say something, then seemed to think better of it.

"Don't tell me," Weasley taunted. "You were going to say that you're not afraid of Harry either, right?"

Draco almost laughed out loud at that. Nobody was that stupid, were they?

"What if I were?"

Weasley smiled. "Voldemort wasn't afraid of him either."

Bradley rolled his eyes. "Potter's not going to off me for throwing a hex at this piece of trash."

Weasley's wand moved so quickly and quietly that Draco didn't register the spell until Bradley's body went flying down the hall, smashing into the stone wall at the end, near where his still-unconscious friend lay.

Bradley shook his head, looking from Draco to Weasley, glaring at them both.

"Oh, that was all me," Weasley said. "You see, Harry's not Draco's only friend in this place." He stalked over to where Bradley lay in a heap and he stared coldly down upon him. "And some of us aren't nearly as nice as Harry. Understand?"

Bradley's eyes bulged and he nodded his head, slowly at first then more vigorously.

"I asked if you understand," Weasley said, and all at once Draco caught a glimpse of the formidable Auror Harry's best friend would become.

"I understand."

"Good. Now pick up that useless lump." He pointed his wand at the unconscious form on the ground and Bradley's sidekick stirred. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll stay the fuck away from Draco."

Bradley nodded once more and dragged his friend to his feet. Without another word, they were gone.

Weasley's body relaxed and he started to laugh. "That was fun."

"Thanks." Draco walked the length of the hall then looked in the direction his attacker had gone. He shuddered as he considered how the situation might have ended if Weasley hadn't shown up. He watched Weasley put his wand away. "Remind me to never, ever piss you off."

Weasley grinned.

Their short walk to the party was filled with a comfortable silence. Draco would ask Weasley more about what had happened later - how he'd come to be Draco's saviour and why he'd had Harry's cloak - after he had a chance to properly consider the turn of events, but for now they had a party to attend.

"Before we go in," Weasley said as they were a few steps away, "I'll warn you that the mini-Harry auction did so well that I suspect Hermione has plans for you to branch out. You might want to avoid the conversation if you don't want to be stuck talking about it all night."

Draco laughed. "Duly noted."

Everyone talked about their holidays - most spent with family, eating and drinking too much in traditional style. Dean's old Muggle school friends did a Secret Santa exchange which resulted in some rather embarrassing moments for a few gift recipients and some good material for future gatherings. All in all, it had been a decent holiday and everyone returned in good cheer.

"And now he pays," Dean said to the crowd as Seamus appeared at the door. He clapped his hands and grinned madly, saying, "A bet's a bet, and tonight's the night."

Seamus groaned and Draco found himself doing the same. No one needed to see that. Seamus stood in full elf costume, complete with jaunty hat, jingle bells and tights that left very little to the imagination. As a rumble of laughter echoed through the room, the Irishman said, "I need a drink!"

One of the advantages to Seamus' unfortunate predicament was that he was unable to spike every beverage before the party. As a result, Harry and Draco managed to remain, if not sober, at least reasonably in control of their faculties, which boded well for their plans later on. It would be their first of many next times, after all.

As they rang in the New Year, champagne flutes raised in toast, Draco was glad he'd returned to Hogwarts. Surrounded by new friends, with a future that looked brighter than he'd ever thought possible, Draco began the New Year the way he wanted to spend the rest of it: with Harry.

~ FIN ~

christmas 2016, fic: reset, slythindor100, dracoharry100, h/d

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