A Song in His Heart (H/D, PG)

Feb 17, 2007 00:32

Title:   A Song in His Heart
Rating:   PG
Pairing:   HP/DM
Summary:   Harry is driving Draco mad.
Word Count: < 200
Genre:    Slash Romance
Warnings:    No beta.
A/N:   A crack drabble for hd_boardgame.  X-posted to harry_draco & hd_fluff.
Disclaimer:   The characters and settings are not mine - they belong to JK Rowling. No money made by me - this is only for my fun and hopefully yours. Enjoy!

“He’s driving me mad, Pansy!” cried Draco desperately. “He won’t stop. I can’t talk to him, I can’t distract him, nothing! He’s impossible!”

“Calm down, calm down,” Pansy cooed. Cooing wasn’t her strong suit, Draco had to admit, but desperate times … “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s that ruddy Wizarding Idol show! He won’t stop watching it, and he won’t stop whining about wanting to be on it. He can’t sing, for Merlin’s sake!”

Pansy laughed aloud, but was quickly quieted by Draco’s glare. “Surely he’s not that bad,” she said, trying to pacify her friend. Again, pacifying is not Pansy’s forte.

“He sang to me last night, Pans … to me! I thought I would die! He IS that bad. And when he gets that ridiculously sappy look on his face, he looks an utter idiot! He killed Voldemort for Merlin’s sake! Picture it now - the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, the whatever-the-hell they call him now, getting up on stage and singing - I use that word loosely - some love song to his former-death-eater boyfriend in front of the entire wizarding world?  Oh, God, just AK me now!”

hd_boardgame, h/d

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