A Woman Scorned, Part 1 (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 15, 2007 13:16

Title:   A Valentine Surprise - part 1 of A Woman Scorned series
Rating:   PG-13
Word Count:   842
Pairing/Characters:   Harry/Draco, Ginny, Hermione
Challenge:   Jamie's AWDT challenge "I'll be back," and hd_angst challenge of Valentine's Day
Warnings:   No beta.
Summary:   Ginny has plans for Valentine's Day that don't include Draco.
Disclaimer:   The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Draco, be reasonable."

"I am being reasonable," he huffed. "I don't think it's unreasonable to want to spend Valentine's Day alone with you."

"Well, it's not like we're going to be there for the entire day. The party doesn't start until seven, and we can be together - all alone - until then." He waggled his eyebrows playfully at Draco.

"But I wanted to have a romantic dinner with you," Draco pouted. "And I certainly don't want to spend the evening with your ex-girlfriend."

"Draco, it'll be fine. Ginny knows we're together." Draco interrupted with a snort. "She knows we're together," Harry continued, "and she has accepted it."

"No she hasn't. She still wants you. She'll always want you."

"Even if that's true, I don't want her. I want you. I love you. Not Ginny, not any other girl, not any other bloke. You. Only you." Harry took Draco in his arms, in what Draco imagined was supposed to be a reassuring embrace. All he could feel was dread.

They had arrived at the pub to find most of their friends already there. Draco had, after all, ensured that Harry knew just how much he loved him before coming out tonight, and gave him a taste of what he had planned for them once they got back home. And, well, if it made them a bit late, so be it.

The evening went along rather pleasantly, as Draco mingled with some old friends he hadn't seen in a while. It was nice, actually, and he finally felt himself relaxing when he caught a glimpse of Harry across the room. God, how he loved that man. He flashed a smile as Harry looked up. The brunette's face flushed - funny how he still blushed at little things like that - and Draco felt a warm wave pass over him.

Seconds later, he was hit with a feeling quite the opposite of that warmth. Ginny had approached Harry, and was starting to chat him up. To his credit, Harry had stiffened, and his body language said "stay away - stay far, far away." Still, that didn't ease the cold sensation Draco had felt rippling through him. He made his way over to them, and caught Ginny saying "it'll only be a few minutes. Please, Harry?"

"What will only be a few minutes?" Draco asked, clearly surprising Ginny as she nearly jumped out of her shoes.

As she turned to look at Draco, he noticed her body language changing, in a similar way to Harry's earlier when she had approached him. "Oh, I just need Harry's opinion on something I've bought Ron for his birthday. It's coming up next month, and I don't know if I'll get a chance to see Harry again before that, so I just wanted him to slip out for a few minutes." She flashed an innocent smile that did nothing to make Draco relax.

Too right you are, you won't be "seeing Harry" again.

"Oh, alright," he heard Harry agree.

What the fuck?!?

"Excuse me, Ginny, but couldn't you just accio whatever it is here for Harry to see? It seems rather silly to me that you would need to drag Harry off in the middle of a party."

"Well, actually, it's too big to accio unnoticed, and really, it'll just be a few minutes."

"I'll be back," Harry said, leaning in to give Draco a peck on the cheek. As he allowed Ginny to shuffle him away, he called over his shoulder, "I'll be right back."

As she pushed Harry through the door, Ginny looked back at Draco with an evil glint in her eyes, and a wicked grin on her face. She blew Draco a kiss and followed Harry out the door.

After about an hour, Harry still hadn't returned. It didn't go unnoticed that Ginny was still missing in action as well. The dread Draco had felt all week had been nothing compared to this. A heavy weight now settled in his stomach, and tears were sitting just below the surface, threatening to spill.

Draco felt a light squeeze on his shoulder. "He'll be back," Hermione whispered. "You know he will be."

"Do I, Hermione? Do I really know that?" He knew he sounded injured, but he didn't care. Not now.

"Of course you do. He loves you, Draco."

Taking a deep breath, Draco got up to leave. "Well, tell him Happy Valentine's Day for me when he does, then."

The next day, when Harry still hadn't returned, and nobody had heard from him or Ginny, Draco's dread took on a whole new level. His hurt feelings were quickly being replaced with worry. He knew that Ginny had feelings for Harry. He knew that she was obsessed. He thought about the look on her face as she had pushed Harry out of the room, and felt ill. That old expression, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, came unbidden into his mind.

"What have you done with him, you bitch?" he screamed to the empty room.

Part 2

hd_angst, a woman scorned, awdt, angst, h/d

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