A Cultural Experience (H/D, G)

Nov 11, 2007 15:21

Title: A Cultural Experience
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: 500
Challenges: dracoharry100's prompt of "bath." Also fits enchanted_jae's monthly prompt, "What did you think it was?" and my GJ 100_prompts table 012 - "History."
Summary: Harry decides that Draco needs to see a bit more of Muggle England.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Why are we here?" Draco whined.

"We are here for a cultural experience," Harry explained.

Laughter could be heard for miles in response to that comment. "Really, Potter," Draco managed to sputter between guffaws. "That was very funny."

Harry scowled at his boyfriend.

"I mean who would have thought that you would be introducing me to some culture?"

"Hahaha, very funny. C'mon, this place is really beautiful, and it has a long history."

"What's it called again?" Harry scowled again. "Sorry, I just found it so funny that you could expose me to culture that I forgot."

"We're in Bath."

"Bath? Why would someone name a city that?"

Harry huffed in irritation. "It was, and still is, known for its hot springs, and the Romans built temples and bathing areas around them. The engineering and architectural works are astounding."

"Well, let's get on with it then," Draco said, sounding rather bored.

They spent the day wandering about town, and even Draco couldn't hold back. "Everything here looks so orderly ... and uniform. It really is quite spectacular."

Harry grinned, and explained how one architect and his son planned out the city to be precisely that. "Not so bad for Muggles."

"His most spectacular work is the Bath Circus," Harry explained, and the two of them spent a little time walking around the architectural dream. "It's completely circular, and some suggest the design may even be in homage to Stonehenge."

"Well, there you have it," stated Draco, sounding smug. "Everyone knows Stonehenge was built by wizards centuries ago. This is a mere imitation." His superior swagger returned at that point.

"Nobody knows anything of the sort, Draco."

"Well, it should be obvious. How else could it have been built?"

Harry merely shook his head and dragged Draco towards the Roman Baths.

"What is that pool of green sludge?"

"That's the Great Bath." Harry looked at Draco's horrified face. "What did you think it was?"

"People surely don't bathe in that!" Draco exclaimed with disgust.

"Not any more. The pipes are lead, and the water in here travels through those pipes, so it's unsafe. And there are lots of diseases that could be caught from it, especially if you accidentally swallow it."

"Disgusting!" Draco shuddered. He looked at Harry with confusion. "I thought you said it was still in use."

"The spa taps into the hot springs using modern technology for safety."

They spent the rest of the afternoon touring the Roman Baths, and despite the colour of the water, Draco had come around to appreciate how old it was and the fact that a lot of the pipes were still in working order.

"So ... how did you like this cultural experience?" Harry asked at the end of the day.

"Well, Potter, you surprised me. I'll admit to the marvel of engineering produced by the Romans in constructing this. But still ..."

Harry rolled his eyes. "What?"

"I would much rather go home and have a soak in our own bath."

A/N: Below is an aerial photograph of the Bath Circus. It and the picture above of the Great Bath are courtesy of www.bath360.co.uk [because their pics are better than mine] if anyone is interested.


100_prompts, dracoharry100, jae's drabble challenge, h/d

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