Relentless (Pansy/Hermione, H/D, G)

Nov 11, 2007 17:02

Title: Relentless
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: ~ 825
Pairing/Characters: Pansy/Hermione (pre-slash), Harry/Draco (established).
Giftee: For dramedy who likes to see Pansy with someone else (I chose Hermione). It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #048 - "Happiness."
Summary: Draco is relentless when it comes to his friends' happiness.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Enough already, Pansy, no more excuses. You have been alone long enough. You're coming with me to this party." Draco was not taking no for an answer.

"But there will be Gryffindors there," she whined.

"All the more reason for me to bring reinforcements."

"What are you up to, Harry?"

"Dunno what you mean, 'Mione."

"You're fidgety and on edge. And you seem awfully interested in ensuring that I attend tonight."

"Oh, it's just that I haven't seen much of you lately."

Draco had insisted on trying this scheme - a ridiculous scheme, in Harry's opinion - to get their two best friends together. He had been positively unbearable since Harry had let it slip that Hermione wasn't sure that she liked men any more - if she had ever really liked them. She and Ron had gotten together during the war, finally, but the romance had fizzled away. Both of them had agreed that, despite all the build-up over seven years, their romantic involvement wasn't nearly as interesting as the anticipation.

It had been two years since then, and Hermione had dated a few men, but nothing ever came of them either. A few dates and that was it. Then a month ago, she had confided in Harry. She couldn't tell Ron, and made Harry promise that he wouldn't either. She would tell him when she knew for sure.

Harry, tired of keeping everything to himself for so long, thought that telling his boyfriend would be fine. He had regretted it ever since. Draco was relentless. He knew that Pansy was bisexual, but tended to lean more towards women. He also knew that she preferred intelligent partners, no matter their gender. Harry had pointed out that they didn't exactly have the best past to build on, at which point Draco raised an eyebrow, and the two of them practically collapsed from laughter. Knowing that nobody could challenge the level of animosity that he and Draco had shared, Harry had relented. After all, it was for their happiness.

Hermione stared dumbfounded as Pansy shook her hand and smiled. "Evening, Granger."

"Hello?" she responded, unable to formulate anything more articulate at the moment. She had never seen Pansy smile before. She was actually quite ... attractive. No, that wasn't it. She was dazzling. There was no other way to describe the way her smile reached her eyes, so that they twinkled as her smile itself radiated warmth. Wow.

She barely noticed Draco cast a knowing look at Harry, and a moment later the men wandered off, leaving the two of them alone.

Hermione was pleasantly surprised to find that not only were Pansy's looks less harsh that she had always thought, but her tongue was too. Trying not to be distracted by thoughts of what else Pansy's tongue might do, Hermione focussed on the conversation. Pansy hadn't made any derogatory remarks against Muggle-borns, half-bloods, or even any Gryffindors. She was intelligent, witty, and absolutely charming. She loved to read, and the two of them discussed some of their favourite authors. To Hermione's shock, Pansy had even listed a couple of Muggle authors.

"But," she said before she could stop herself. "But those last two are Muggles. Sure you know that?"

"Oh, c'mon now, Granger. It's not as if I can't appreciate good literature, regardless of the source." She flashed that winning smile again, and Hermione's stomach flipped in response. "Besides, I'd like to think that we've all grown up a bit since leaving school."

"I suppose so," she said, still a little sceptical. "But you were always so against anything that --"

"Granger ... Hermione," she said, placing her hand on Hermione's arm. "Don't you think that if Draco and Potter can get past their differences ..." She left the sentence hanging.

Hermione had been staring at Pansy's hand resting on her arm, the heat of the other woman's touch sending tingling waves of desire through her. Oh, God, she thought, this can't be happening. At Pansy's words, her mind wondered what exactly she was getting at, so she looked up. The desire was unmistakable in Pansy's eyes, and Hermione felt both relief and pleasure at that realization. She smiled, but this time it wasn't just a friendly one.

Harry felt an elbow dig into his ribs. "Hey! What was that for?" he barked at Draco.

Draco nodded in the direction of their two friends, who hadn't left the spot where they had left them hours ago. Harry smiled as he watched Hermione's face light up at something Pansy had said. The other woman's hand was resting comfortably on Hermione's arm, and before he knew it, Pansy was leaning towards her. Much to Harry's astonishment, Hermione met her halfway, and the two of them shared a soft but meaningful kiss.

"Looks like we can go home now, Potter." At Harry's confused look, Draco grinned and nodded at their friends. "Our work here is done."


wrockstock, 100_prompts, pansy/hermione, h/d

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