Fifteen Minutes (Ron, G)

Nov 11, 2007 04:32

Title: Fifteen Minutes
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: G
Word Count: ~ 490
Pairing/Characters: Ron Weasley.
Giftee: For melmoe1 who loves her Ron.
Summary: Ron has been waiting his entire life for this moment.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

All his life, Ronald Weasley had been overshadowed by others.

He had been looking forward to school, albeit with some concern about how he would live up to his brothers' reputations. But he had promised himself that he would forge his own path, see his own way through to become someone to be proud of. He might not be Head Boy or Quidditch Captain, but he was determined to find his own niche, his own way.

On his first day of school, nervous about what was to come, he made a friend. One who was interested in him - not his family, not his brothers, but him. This new friend didn't know anything about the wizarding world, and suddenly Ron was able to help this boy learn about it. It figured that his new best friend had to be more famous than all his brothers combined. He promised himself that he wouldn’t hold it against Harry. Over the years, it became increasingly more difficult to accept his position as 'Harry's friend'. He faltered occasionally, but even when they were fighting, in his heart Ron was always there for Harry.

Hermione came next. He had thought her annoying at first, but she had eventually grown on him. Of course she would turn out to be the smartest student in their year. Didn't that just figure? He promised himself he wouldn't hold that against her. In fact, it came in handy more times than not, as she explained many of their lessons better than the teachers. And having two best friends was a bonus. Ron often found that living in the shadow of one friend wasn't as difficult if there was someone else there with him.

Throughout the years, Ron made mistakes, as everyone does, but in the end he was a true and loyal friend, brother and son, and he was proud of the man he had become. He had promised himself that he would always be there for his friends and family, and he was.

After the war, he had chosen a career path that had first intrigued him in school. After a couple of years, he questioned his decision, having opted to become an Auror, just as Harry had. Working for the Ministry, just as his father and Percy and Hermione had. Once again he felt the weight of being so-and-so's son or brother or friend. But he stuck it out, deciding that he didn't want 'quitter' to be his claim to fame.

In the end, his perseverance paid off. Today was for him. Not his family. Not either of his best friends. After all these years, he was no longer so-and-so's brother or so-and-so's friend. He was no longer in the shadows. He was Ronald Weasley, and today was his day, his time to shine.

Ron smiled as he approached the podium to collect his Order of Merlin, basking in the knowledge that this honour was his and his alone.


ron, wrockstock

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