So, at dinner with friend's tonight, a friend of ours was browsing on a cell phone while we waited for dinner. For the sake of everyone's dignity, such as it now is, I will use fake initials.
Friend A: *reading the screen* 'What's' - I don't know hot to read this word. B-U-K-A-K-E?
Myself: *didn't quite hear, leans over* What is it?
Friend A: *shows me the screen, pointing with stylus* This one! How do you pronounce B-U-K-A-K-E?
We realize what we have just said. We stare at each other in horror.
Friend B: We shouldn't have just said that out loud.
Friend A: Why? What is it?
Friend B: You don't want to know.
Myself: It's not something we can explain in public anyway.
Friend A: Okayyy... Anyway, it goes on to say 'A bad idea'.
Friend B: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Myself: So is it bad that Friend A doesn't know what it is, or that we do?
Friend B: Bad that we do, I think. Ah, naivete.
Myself: Just fair warning, I am LiveJournaling this when I get home.
Oh, and if you don't know what it is? Don't. Google. It. Trust me. Just, just trust me.