Another drabble, and a fic for15minuteficlets

Aug 04, 2004 15:58

This first drabble came about due to my thoughts about time-turners and lifetimers, and how both would work. It occured to me that the time-turner could very well be custom-made for a particular person.  It would also work on whoever they happen to be touching at the time (due to morphological fields, and probably quantum). It would use part of that person and betied to their life force, so they can only go back to a point in their life.

*shrug* If anyone has a better theory, I'll be glad to hear it.


The sand, bound to the seconds of her life by a very powerful magic, fell slowly into the lower bulb. It was barely a quarter full, and on a very small scale.

She turned it upside down, experimentally, and the right way again. The world rushed past her in reverse, assaulting her senses with one electric choral note and a sense of wind….

Then it was over. She wondered how she had never noticed the sun's position until it changed unexpectedly, and made a note to research that when she could. Right now, she had her second class to attend.


And then there's this one. Loyalties, written for 15minuteficlets. Snape, doing his bit for the Order without too much complaint. I admit it, I just wanted to write about the aftermath of Sirius's death, and how that affects Lupin and Snape. 250 words, and this bit seems almost finished. However, it could become a longer piece.

Snape drank the contents of a vial, wincing slightly at the taste. It was an illicit potion used by foolish students and drug addicts to regain sleep temporarily. It would do for now, and damn the after-effects.

The cauldron let forth one large bubble, which floated on the surface of the silver-coloured water. It was ready. Snape stirred it counter-clockwise a final time, and bottled it. He plugged a glass cork in the top.

Of all the bloody times for a full moon, he thought bitterly, and took the bottle to the fireplace. He grabbed some floo powder in his other hand.

"Twelve, Grimmauld Place," Snape said, throwing the powder down. He arrived in the downstairs fireplace.

Remus Lupin sat at the dining table, alone and looking incredibly thin, as if he were the one taking sleep replacement potions. In that moment, Snape felt a twinge of sympathy for him. However, he soon regained sense.

"Hello, Severus," Lupin said. He took a great deal of effort to smile.

"Here." Snape strode up to him and thrust out the still hot bottle of Wolfsbane.

"Thank you," said Lupin. He seemed genuinely grateful. Snape merely grunted in reply, and turned back to the fireplace. He had any number of other things to do, including sleep. If Voldemort interrogated him again, he'd need to use Occlumency, which meant having a clear mind and a body that didn't cry out for sleep and food every few minutes.
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