(no subject)

Aug 04, 2004 10:34

"Overheard in a crowded corridor" is possibly becoming an obscure fic. Probably between Poncy Stebbins and someone else.

Because, dude. His last name is Stebbins and he's in Ravenclaw. He's got to be like Al-jibla or D'blah, or something. Only he got sorted into Ravenclaw instead of getting the fixed test. That's what smartened him up a bit.

*dies, imagining Victor Tugelbend in Hogwarts* Hmm... which house would he be in? Probably Slytherin, because he's cunning enough to do the pass or fail thing, and ambitious enough not to be ambitious. *snerk* Must write wizard crossover, because... dude.

I wrote twin drabbles, because I finally decided to write my Harry-as-badass fic, and realised that this would be more convenient at the time.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Characters: Harry, Dumbledore, Voldemort.

"You know what," Harry said, "Fuck this. I'm sick of it." He walked away, keeping his pace even, trying not to scream and run and cry like a little kid. He wasn't a kid any more, and that was rather the point. Harry could take only so much bullshit.

He expected some protest from Dumbledore, but the old man just sat there. Harry didn't stop to look at his expression. Too damned bad. Dumbledore could keep his good and evil. Kill or be killed. He, Harry, was walking away without any dramatics. He had no plans, but Sirius never did.


Harry looked at the man with the silly name of You-Know-Who. He looked like he came from a bad alien movie, with shiny red eyes and a wrinkly bald, head.

Something clicked for him. He should be afraid of this man, but anger smothered fear and exposed the sense that it was ridiculous.

He let out a strangled laugh. Kill this self-made freak, or have Voldemort kill him? It was crazy. Even Dumbledore had a more convincing argument, and more followers. Tom Riddle must have grown stupid and never got any better.

Even now, Voldemort still babbled.

I also dreamed about Remus having a girlfriend named Isobel. Somewhat cute, but I doubt it would have any use as fic.
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