Quotes, RPs and challenges

Aug 02, 2004 16:20

"The trouble with witches is that they'll never run away from things they really hate.
And the trouble with small furry animals in a corner is that, just occasionally, one of them's a mongoose."
- Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad.

I love that quote. And this one:

"Sometimes when a butterfly beats its wings in Brazil, a tornado that was going to happen, doesn't."
And that's part of the summary of an episode of Insiders Guide to Happiness. *sighs* Sadly, I missed that one, which is why I looked at the summary. I'm a James/Julie shipper, and to find out that there was James/Tina was rather disappointing. Even my brother agrees that it would be sweet. Still, the quote deserves love.

I have caved. Mr. Wentworth is joining milliways_bar at some stage, and he is still a witch (even after the two worlds merge). I don't think he could function without it, somehow. Sarcastic teachers need eyes in the back of their head. Besides, he's now a headmaster, and he'd need tricks with time and everything to get the work done as well as going home to his lovely wife and bratty son (who's not as much of a brat now, but still).

And I need to get my the Them finding the old lake story* to have them actually finding Minnie and Tarquin. *grins* Such fun. And they'd give the wossname to Minnie and Tarquin 'cause they're nice like that. And I distinctly remember the couple being really old anyways, so it'd help.

My grammar has /so/ been shot to pieces by this crossover. The museai challenge didn't help matters, either.

*Because anything else brings to mind another crossover entirely, and I think that's been done to death. *evil grin* I love /obscure/ crossovers.
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